Rebel Meets Rebel

Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
Have any of you guys picked up this CD yet? What did you think? I thought it was totally cool on a couple different levels. First off, it's just great to hear more Dime. I also like to hear these kinds of side projects because it give musicians a chance to play some different stuff that they might be into but doesn't fit into their main gig. This is really the case with this CD. It's definitely Dime playing, you can tell by that guitar tone and those licks, but there's some stuff that verges on country, some bluesy stuff, and some straight ahead rock tunes. All in all, some very enjoyable songs in my opinion.:kickass:
I've been trying to find that Dimevision DVD, no store in my little area around here seems to be carrying it. I guess I'll have to mailorder it. I would definitely like to see that. Nobody I know has picked it up yet either so good to finally hear some feedback about it.
metalheadinthe253 said:
I've been trying to find that Dimevision DVD, no store in my little area around here seems to be carrying it. I guess I'll have to mailorder it. I would definitely like to see that. Nobody I know has picked it up yet either so good to finally hear some feedback about it.

Got mine at best buy.... they have it in the Pantera section....
Man, the closest Best Buy to me doesn't even know metal exists. Nothing but rap and top 40 DVDs in their selection. Although now that you have me thinking we have a Wherehouse records nearby that usually carries some good metal. I'll have to check them out, I got the Pantera 3 Vulgar Videos DVD there. I gotta try to find that Keep of Kalessin CD too, I think it comes out in the US tomorrow. I loved that song you guys played off that CD.
metalheadinthe253 said:
Man, the closest Best Buy to me doesn't even know metal exists. Nothing but rap and top 40 DVDs in their selection. Although now that you have me thinking we have a Wherehouse records nearby that usually carries some good metal. I'll have to check them out, I got the Pantera 3 Vulgar Videos DVD there. I gotta try to find that Keep of Kalessin CD too, I think it comes out in the US tomorrow. I loved that song you guys played off that CD.

Hope you find the Keep of Kalessin, as that is most certainly in my list of best releases of 2006. Bought it a couple of weeks ago at Sound Exchange here in Houston.
Well, I saw the rebel meets rebel cd at target this week for like 10.98. not a bad price. I think I will pick it up for my collection. Maybe we will actually play a song very soon from it.