Recab 3.6.1 Update

Sorry to say this but I am still getting spikes.

It seemed better until I turned the volume pot on my guitar to zero, then changed the gate's floor to -63 db then back down to -inf db (triggered nasty spikes)
Ableton Live 9.1, a screenshot of the chain I am using:

Good news, I've finally recreated the bug on my end thanks to your screen shot. I have a session that coaxes it into insane CPU overload in Live 9 in Win 7 x64. Now I can test this on my end and be certain when it's solved. I'll post VSTs here as soon as they're ready.

PS - I'm digging your Fredman style settings. Nice tone!
That's definitely good news and should give you something to tinkle with!
Haha yeah that classic go-to tone, instant win.
Thanks to your awesome software, it's easier than ever to recreate a similar tone.
Good luck with ironing out the bugs and no worries for the feedback/screenshot, anytime!
That's definitely good news and should give you something to tinkle with!
Haha yeah that classic go-to tone, instant win.
Thanks to your awesome software, it's easier than ever to recreate a similar tone.
Good luck with ironing out the bugs and no worries for the feedback/screenshot, anytime!

Thanks! It turned out to be a pretty minor tweak. This should do the trick (same file locations as before, just overwrite the plugin):

EDIT: beta 3 is up at these links now. This should eliminate the issue even in very extreme circumstances where the gate is cutting in and out rapidly.
Thanks! It turned out to be a pretty minor tweak. This should do the trick (same file locations as before, just overwrite the plugin):

EDIT: beta 3 is up at these links now. This should eliminate the issue even in very extreme circumstances where the gate is cutting in and out rapidly.

Was about to post a support request about the spike problem but 3.6.2. Beta 4 seems to have fixed it, thanks!
Are the preset folder location + bugs due to AAX format for RTAS users fixed in this update?
Hey again
I'm still getting that weird 'buzzy tone' when starting a new guitar track on the dual/default Marshall cabs. Once I switch each to another cab, I can go back and the Marshalls sound as they should. I can send you video/audio if you need.
That was an issue with the 3.6.1 installer placing presets in the wrong place in Mac OS X, and it has been addressed. It has nothing to do with AAX or RTAS, though.

Well, I had issues with 3.6.1. causing the lose of the settings when opening a session on Mac OSX. I has been fixed by removing the AAX file in the plugin folder.
Hey again
I'm still getting that weird 'buzzy tone' when starting a new guitar track on the dual/default Marshall cabs. Once I switch each to another cab, I can go back and the Marshalls sound as they should. I can send you video/audio if you need.

UPDATE: I've finally been able to get this to happen on my test machine. This will be looked into, it appears to be Reaper / Windows specific, and it definitely has to do with sample rates. More soon...
Sounds good, thanks for looking into it. Time to make the move to Mac soon methinks...

To be clear - I love Mac, and prefer the platform personally, but this issue is totally my fault - the result of a workaround to deal with an intermittent bug in a random Pro Tools 9 update (which Avid subsequently fixed), which isn't even relevant anymore since RTAS support has been grandfathered to Recabinet 3.5.1 anyway. I should have a fix up soon, guys...

Also, TBH, Windows 7 is great, I really have no issues with it, and Reaper is a fantastically efficient DAW as well.
Alright guys, I've fixed the sample rate "buzz" issue. I've gone ahead and re-baked the installers this time, because I'm (cautiously) confident this can go live as 3.6.3 with no need for further testing, it's literally a single line of code different than 3.6.2 (something unnecessary was removed.)EDIT: Windows installers have been updated to address one potential (ultra paranoid) situation, and Mac installer has been refreshed to the same codebase:
Works like a charm on my end, didn't expect the fix to be posted so soon.
Thanks for looking into this...this is precisely why I BUY software!