Recent buy's


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I haven't really bought anything "new" in several months, in fact the last lot of CD's I bought was back in November! :cry:

I can't seem to keep up anymore with the latest albums coming out, due to the fact that Katagory V, my daughter and that silly day job take up a lot of my free time to listen to music. But, I recently have been MAKING time for myself, as this is my passion and I hate not being able to hear new music.

I decided to embelish a little since I have been working extreme amounts of over-time/on-call, and went bargin hunting recently for several albums missing from the collection.

I have no pinions on these as of yet, since I haven't had a chacne to pop them in the player at this point. But if anyone out there does, I'd love to hear some thoughts!

After Forever - Invisible Cirlces
Rage - Speak of the Dead
Edguy - Rocket Ride
Shakra - Fall
Proto-Kaw - The wait of Glory
Pychotic Waltz - Into the Everflow/Bleeding
Radioactive - Taken
Place Vendome - s/t
Holy Moses - Streangth Power, Will, Passion
Chinchilla - Take No Prisioners
AOR - L.A. Attraction
Mind's Eye - Walking on H20
Tears of Anger - In the Shadws
Tony Martin - Scream