Recent Change in power in Canada

Sep 24, 2004
Canada has gone from a liberal government to a minority rightish government called the Progressive conservatives....any thoughts? Rammifications?
You are probably screwed. Although I do believe all government systems inevitably fuck up anyway. The minority government probably dicates they will have trouble enforcing their policies and pushing through bills, so their right-wing agenda will probably be a little subverted.

Foreign policy may suffer, attitudes to the Bush administration might become softer and lead Canada down the tragic line of supporting the US in all its bastard endeavours. Future does not look entirely bright I suppose, but it certainly could be worse.
As a 'Progressive Conservative'......I'm pleased, but most pundits give this government anywhere from 12-18 months maximum. Before the Liberal government chooses a new leader, reorganizes and re-energizes.....and then starts to hack away at the Harper administration. That's one thing about the Liberals.....they like to be in power. They feel that they are entitled to their entitlement. A very, very arrogant lot they are. And the average citizen buys into it.....due to ignorance.

We only had a 64% voter turnout for eligible voters. Sad really how content this country is.

The one thing that troubles me about this country is that we are.....unfortunately.....a very staus quo lot. Change for the most part is looked at as being divisive and un-patriotic. New ideas and fresh approaches are looked at as being 'un-Canadian.' That's why we've had so many Liberal governments in power over the years. Stay the course.....and people buy into this idea that the country is quiet and calm.....why stir the pot. But that's always been the way that Canada is.....let the rest of the world zoom right by.....while we worry more about our Canadian 'uniqueness.' Forget about that.....let's join the rest of the world!

More importantly, the country is very, very, very divided. Ontario owns the national wealth. Which means that the Atlantic provinces, Quebec.....and more importantly Western Canada.....all feel alienated due to this. Government is run first and formeost take care of those in Ottawa, Toronto, and then Montreal. After that......if there is anything left in the pot.....then we all have to share the scraps. It's no wonder that the Bloc Quebecois and the Reform Party came into power. To speak up for those provinces who were being short-changed and ignored. While Ontario got richer and richer.

This will never end. The Liberals only speak for those in Ontario and to Big Business. The rest of the country are an afterthought. Perhaps it's time that Quebec and Western Canada either separate.....or become absorbed by the United States. Either way.....I'm not as concerned about National unity as I am in being a major player on the international stage.

Its always good to even things out in politics. I know the liberals have been in power for awhile, and apparently their candidate had quite a few scandals attached to his name. The worst always happens when one party (and it doesnt matter which one, because politics will always be corrupt) has too much power. So, as long as you have balance, I am sure everything will be ok.

On a side note now you have friendly conservative leaders, maybe we can send a bunch of young Canucks over to Iraq now, and take pressure off our tired and over-taxed American army.
that might of happened two years ago, but now since its obvious that there are no WMD's Harper wont send any troops.
speed said:
On a side note now you have friendly conservative leaders, maybe we can send a bunch of young Canucks over to Iraq now, and take pressure off our tired and over-taxed American army.

.....agreed. I've said this since day one. Canada should have supported the US and the UK over in Iraq. Our Liberal government under Jean Chretien were an embarrasssment, and it has not reflected on us very well as neighbors or as NATO members. I never forget that the US protects Canada from apparent and imminent danger. Without ever asking for a penny in return.....perhaps a little energy of trade relief in exchange. I never forget this.....thankfully, neither does the Harper Team.
Unfortunately the war in Iraq is a complete joke. The only benefit canada would have gained from joining would have been to become one of the good old boys in a bunch of liars and cowards.
I hope that comment about sending young Canadians to Iraq to fight Bush's oil war was a joke. I don't think Canada will ever support that nonsense. (BTW, on that subject, you should read Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore).

As for the present Conservative government, they - much like the former Liberal government - are unlikely to accomplish much significant change with their minority reign. And we will continue to have minority governments until we get a party with a platform worth giving majority power. However, I will be unable to bitch about it as I was among the 36% of eligable Canadians who did not vote. :)
koglos said:
I hope that comment about sending young Canadians to Iraq to fight Bush's oil war was a joke. I don't think Canada will ever support that nonsense. (BTW, on that subject, you should read Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore).

As for the present Conservative government, they - much like the former Liberal government - are unlikely to accomplish much significant change with their minority reign. And we will continue to have minority governments until we get a party with a platform worth giving majority power. However, I will be unable to bitch about it as I was among the 36% of eligable Canadians who did not vote. :)

Yes it was a joke. I have a terrible sense of very dark humor

However, I have read DUde Where's My COuntry, and its not really any better than reading the O'Reilly Spin Zone. Its liberal rather than republican (I cant call them conservatives) propaganda. ITs good there are Michael Moores providing a counterweight, and I do enjoy his movies, but he is still part of the problem.
Im actually quite happy to see conservatives win in Canada - it wont really affect me though.
Slightly off topic, anyone watch Conan Obrian - how funny is that shit with Finland hey!!! does anyone actually think that he is having an influence on the election just because he looks like their PM - i doubt it
Final_Product said:
I find moore to be a fat idiot :)

A fine piece of philosophy my friend. Speed is right though, Moore is definitely not a neutral source of information, I just thought I would throw him in there to speak for me a bit on my view of the Bush administration. That's all the politics I can handle for today. Back to my dark room to smoke kron and play bass :headbang:
Final_Product said:
Why are you happy about it?

Well, I am a conservative person when it comes to politics, as you may have notcied, Im not sure why, I just always have been. I have always supported the Howard government here and I figure the more conservative govs there are the better it is - thats in my mind anyways
koglos said:
I hope that comment about sending young Canadians to Iraq to fight Bush's oil war was a joke. I don't think Canada will ever support that nonsense. (BTW, on that subject, you should read Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore).

.....someone has to do it and support them. Why does the US continually have to sacrifice their soldiers in combat in order to fight everyone elses wars? When there's conflict, they're one the first ones on the scene to pitch in. Whether it's to kick ass or to peace keep. Or to help with clean-up and disaster they did after the Tsunami and other natural disasters. When there's a crisis, the US is always there. It's time the world helped them instead of villifying them. They're the perfect model of freedom and democracy.....we should all pay attention to their lead.

And as their closest neighbors, we're their allies and brothers in arms when the going gets tough. There was a time when all nations felt this way.....especially during the two WW's. We'd all stand up for a cause and knock the enemy down. Now we just want to go have a coffee and talk it out. Reminiscent of our justice systems.....handle everything with kid gloves.

I'm not a war-monger, but I'm not a peace-activist either. I am a realist. And sometimes the two divisions get blurred. But you have to support your allies.
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
I'm not a war-monger, but I'm not a peace-activist either. I am a realist. And sometimes the two divisions get blurred. But you have to support your allies.

Yep. I totally agree - i didnt really support the war in Iraq to begin with, but now that we are there we have to help our allies in USA - they have done so much for not only Australia but many other countries. I never beleive in turning your back on an ally - the fact is Australia needs US backing just in case.
That sort of blind friendship is archaic. It is clear as the day that the Iraq war was a joke and founded on nothing but bullshit and lies.

When a friend becomes a bully, can you still consider him a friend?
Final_Product said:
That sort of blind friendship is archaic. It is clear as the day that the Iraq war was a joke and founded on nothing but bullshit and lies.

When a friend becomes a bully, can you still consider him a friend?

Yeh you make a good point. Ive gone over this in my head 100s of times. Initially i was opposed to the war, but now that we are there i think we have to finish the job, weather we like it or not. You must see though that Australia only has 20m people living in it, although unlikely, if war were declared on us by whoever and the USA and Britain etc said fuck ya, you didnt support us so we wont supprt you, then we would be fucked. The USA, although has done sop much good in this world has over stepped the line i feel, but what can we do? leave? nope, not an option, we are there until the jobs done. We need USA's support. They have and have bullied us around before, notable in the recent rade agreements (but thats for another time), i just dont think its right to leave now, you either dont go to start with or you go until the end.