Recent Change in power in Canada

Honestly, I see Canada now following the same tragic path as the United States. It is only a matter of time before the neo-cons steal Canada away from it's people as well. Vanquishing jobs and stealing all the money for themselves.

You know what, I think the war in Iraq is a complete joke, but what the hell, the way I feel right now I might as well get a gun and go over there.

Watching Canada fall down the same sorrowful road makes me want to give up.

I am about ready to accept the neo-cons and just become another mindless sheep.
Danallica said:
Yeh you make a good point. Ive gone over this in my head 100s of times. Initially i was opposed to the war, but now that we are there i think we have to finish the job, weather we like it or not. You must see though that Australia only has 20m people living in it, although unlikely, if war were declared on us by whoever and the USA and Britain etc said fuck ya, you didnt support us so we wont supprt you, then we would be fucked. The USA, although has done sop much good in this world has over stepped the line i feel, but what can we do? leave? nope, not an option, we are there until the jobs done. We need USA's support. They have and have bullied us around before, notable in the recent rade agreements (but thats for another time), i just dont think its right to leave now, you either dont go to start with or you go until the end.

Its pretty clear that the policy of staying in Iraq just cause we need to finish what we started is a dangerous one. The "war" has never infact been a war. The initial invasion was to secure and capture oil fields as quickly as possible, and since then it has been policing the country to secure our own financial interests. The "exporting democracy" thing is just a smoke shield to stop people thinking: "why the hell are we still in Iraq?" when it is clear that the reasons given for going there and now staying there were totally false.

In response the the ally thing; there must be a point when any person of decent moral fibre just says NO, I will not go and wage a pointless war with you, just so you'll like me. There must be a point where the world and its leaders refuse to be bullied by the US and, for me, refusing to go to war to make the rich even richer, would have been a good point to do so.
Anyone being liberal or conservative is pointless. No one side has the answers and that's why I don't vote. There is no accuate representation of the kind of system I would like to see in the government.

It is my view that capitalism is bad for people, bad for the environment and causes people to worship the dollar and forget about what really matters in life. That is family friends and especially their children. I've always been in favor of socialism.
I am a huge fan of socialism over capitalism.

If you want to know why capitalism is so bad, watch or read anything that has to do with America. Corporate American OWNS everything in that country, INCLUDING the people living in it.
I am a fan of capitalism - it has worked for me because i have worked for it. There are of course problems with it, namely the exploitaion of physical and natural resources, but i think that can be over come. America has huge problems any way - it sort of gives a bad name to capitalism, but it is still one of the best places to live in the world. Australia, wher i live, is the highest taxing country in the world - the rich get taxed on 47% of their earnings, but at least i can see where this money is going. I love living in Aus, it is such an easy place to find work and do stuff. I truely believe that Aus is turning into what America used to be - a land of opportuninty - a place where, if you want it and are willing to work for it, you can do it and make it big, no matter what your socio-economic situation may be.
The Bringer said:
I am a huge fan of socialism over capitalism.

If you want to know why capitalism is so bad, watch or read anything that has to do with America. Corporate American OWNS everything in that country, INCLUDING the people living in it.

I'd have to agree with that but Socialism has it's serious downfalls as well.

And to everyone in the thread yelling and complaining about how Canada is going down the same path as the US now that they elected a Conservative...get a grip. The Liberal party isn't the saviour of anything, I don't know about your country but in this one they promote social irresponsbility, they supress and keep the minorities dependant then say they fight for them, they bicker, argue and bring up bullshit statements, etc. I'm not saying Conservatives are any better but a lot of people tend to think that politicians of a certain type care about them and their well-being.
The Bringer said:
Honestly, I see Canada now following the same tragic path as the United States. It is only a matter of time before the neo-cons steal Canada away from it's people as well. Vanquishing jobs and stealing all the money for themselves.

that's what the Liberals did.

and their damn gun registry ended up costing a thousand times more money than it was supposed to and nobody resigned over that. I can't believe 30 % of canadians voted for them.

all the parties are money wasters but the Conservatives should be the less worse of the bunch
They will prove to be postively useless too. The pissing contest goes so far as to totally fucking ignore the whole purpose of a political party and we end up getting dry humped regardless.
everyone seems to be forgetting about the new democratic party... they seem to be the less corrupted party out of the 4. I would have voted for them if I was still in the town where I'm subscribed as a voter.