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Anyways.. I think Viva La Bam kicks ass.
I'm sure he's sorry he couldn't hear you behind his awesomness, cus of all the bull you were talking.
You probably don't like it cus it's BAM, and he's so fukken gay, remember? ;)

Even If one would be to forget that fact that it's kinda ghey, The Dudesons are just plain better and more entertaining! I swear it, It's just WAY funnier to watch than Jackass and Viva La Bam.

I mean WTF




Now tell me that wasn't way better than a whole season of Viva La Bam! If it makes you feel better Bam is featured in a couple of episodes as guest :lol:
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Just bought a Wacken 2009 t-shirt from their merch site as I could not be fucked to queue for hours just to buy one from the merch stands at the festival. I did buy a ton of shit whilst there though, I'll post later.
Too right man, I bought an Obscura hoodie that is too big for me and then bought a matching Obscura t-shirt because 1: I wasn't sober and 2: OBSCURA ARE SO GOOD :lol: