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Dude, I'm sorry... but that's such a dick attitude. You're lucky, I suppose. Both of my parents usually live check by check so anything I'll ever have, I will have earned and not inherited.

Sorry, I didn't want to pose like a prick, but yeah I want to work and be productive for my society. I want to earn my own money and get my stuffs all due to my own sacrifice, but if my father decide give me something at the end, I see it like a plus, I'm not waiting at his death for getting what he made, I am not a leech.
Damn, i really wanted this COB and Cannibal corspe necklace so badly but i didn't bring enough money. I thought it was $10 but it was $20. Alwayz bring extra money!

the jacket not the dude.
Yeh, you're not rich at all :rolleyes:

Maybe you could afford something like that if you had a real job instead of being a paki's slave, shouting at old men.

Oh, and dont give me that "æmgz i work like 6063 hours a day and have shit shifts :O". You're either posting here or you're sleeping. <3

:lol:Sorry Joe, havent bitched at anyone for a while.. And you're the easiest target this time
Opeth: Still Life (love it. Just wish it wasn't so hard to buy their other albums near where I live. I don't really like buying off the Internet. Call me a Luddite , but I like going into shops and actually buying things.)

New memory stick for novel

Anchorman DVD

Nightwish: Amaranth single (What can I say? I'm a Nightwish addict.)

Tailored black shorts from Dorothy Perkins (Might wear to Turisas gig, I haven't decided yet. But do I want random men attempting to pinch my arse? Not so much.)