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Fits me way better than the last one. And it's lighter and quieter. I also got new tires.

/me waves goodbye to $500
He's so awkward and not funny that it becomes hilarious. I dunno if I've ever seen that dark crystal movie before or not. It seems so familiar, but I'm not sure. I'm totally wearing my David Bowie Tshirt, right now, though. =)
^is it any good?

I lalalalooooove Labyrinth :D:D:D

it's without a doubt, the best movie ever made :)

I can't seem to find my dvd anymore though :p, maybe it's for the better since i've got tons of stuff to do...

The Dark Crystal's nice too, I'm just not a fan of the main-character creatures, too puppet-ish :/
I've been listening to it via Youtube for the last two days and just could not not buy it when I walked past it in the store today.
Don't worry for not liking him lol. Almost any comedians from the americas are pretty much worthless. Rich Hall is a pretty cool guy though, but only in panel situations, like QI