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Can't get the fucking shorts pic working so fuck off, some swimming shorts.

And I needed some underwear:


One in black and one in white of theese:
Apparently tight boxers/briefs are bad for your balls, dunno how true that is though XD

Heat. All that junk in a tightly packed area gets warm, and will kill off your sperm. Its an air-flow vs support argument, one you may have to deal with soon young man.
Like, the scrotum is a sac that hangs outside the body (but still attached to it) that holds the testes as opposed to the testes just being inside the body as any other organ, this is in order to avoid them overheating and killing off the sperm population.
Heat. All that junk in a tightly packed area gets warm, and will kill off your sperm. Its an air-flow vs support argument, one you may have to deal with soon young man.

My scrotum's pretty muscular so I go for airflow. Although I guess tight underwear might be smart, less chance of accidental pregnancies yknow.
Like, the scrotum is a sac that hangs outside the body (but still attached to it) that holds the testes as opposed to the testes just being inside the body as any other organ, this is in order to avoid them overheating and killing off the sperm population.

:lol: aw man..
Does anyone else like to sleep completely naked?

underwear, sometimes a T-shirt.

I grew up sharing a bedroom so it was just common courtesy, and now I feel uncomfortable otherwise.

That, and its not uncommon for a group of drunk bros to kick my door in at 3am to smoke a bowl or continue the party I ended for myself hours before.

My scrotum's pretty muscular

Story of Brool :s
After realizing that my keyboard was not from this millennia, and observing how the cable was starting to, well, decay.. I realized that it was about time i got myself a new keyboard.


Pretty standard gamer i guess, but its nifty, cheap, and works great so far. I's happy wid it