Thats sheet metal, gonna use that on a car.
I have stick welding too, its equally easy but not really suitable for sub-2mm welding. I prefer stick welding for construction welding(3mm and up)
MIG is a heluva lot easier to use when welding thin plates
Plate is 0.7mm thick, and will be used to reinforce and restore an old 60's model Opel that my grandpa owns.
No,its awesome
son what is this
wait wtf .70?!
I have an unused 11-70 GHS set laying around. I'd put it on my JS30RR if IT WOULD FIT THROUGH THE FUCKING TUNING HOLE.
lolz. Mine was a tight fit too(i bet all regular tuners are), just be a man and push harder. Also, pliers and pulling works too. Derp. the .70 sounds and feels great in A