Recently into Testament...

____________________________________________________Originally Posted By The Holy One: Not everyone isn't unlazy like you are.
Again I'll answer your request, look on the thread about:
Best Testament Song Of Alltime, all the songs are listed & voted on, & if you read the thread, alot of other songs are listed also. As well as Testament fans commenting on what & why they like them. In fact I listed my 5 favorite Testament songs, in the first post, as other people continue to do so also. So to call me lazy, is not fair, you just did not bother to research my earlier prompt reply...........& who is everyone, the one response you got, besides thats funny......the pot calls the kettle black..............PS also if you look back(prior Threads), (like I already told you), Flebbie, list's all Testament's album's & has a poll on each one, to vote on the albums best song. That is the information you asked for?..............................Right?
Originally posted by The Holy One: what songs and which albums would you recommend?

So it's all their at your disposal, I can't hold your hand & read it to you.........................
You can't go wrong anywhere. They're all goddamm GOOOODDD!

And I agree with Deadly Embrace's post.


-OfficerNice...the next member of Voivod
Into the Pit, DNR, Low, Dog Faced Gods, Fall of Sipledome, Trial by Fire, Return to Serenity, Disciples Of The Watch.....ANYTHING off of New World Order....or The Gathering for that matter ;)

DaNk :Smokedev:
Go and buy First Strike Still Deadly, if you dont like that, you wont like any of Testaments stuff, but im sure you will love it :headbang:
I have nothing against downloading their albums, but trust me, just BUY them. you can't go wrong. I can't pick just one album because they all kick ass. Most people aren't as into the Demonic record, but I love it. Now that is some brutal shit! Also pick up The New Order , First Strike Still Deadly, and The Gathering.....

Also read all the back posts on this board like DE was saying, there is great information from all the very knowledgable fans on this board. This is THE place for Testament info. :devil: