Recommend a comfortable computer mouse

hey lads,

i recently got a nice computer keyboard after a year of using the standard dell piece of shit. now i think i need a nice mouse to go with it, the standard dell one im using now isn't very comfortable, and im starting to get very slight strains in my mouse hand, so i need to replace it asap.

so recommend me something :)
points to consider:

-i've got big hands, i can't stand "small" mice
-i prefer wired mice, but wouldn't mind a nice wireless if it was worth it.
-extra programmable buttons would be cool but not essential.
-must be mac compatible, cos im dual booting between Vista and OS X.

also, can anyone say if a trackball based mouse would be worth it?

thanks lads :)
I use the Logitech MX 518 and it fits just perfectly in my hand. Love it ;)
But because everyone is different i think you should just test several mice in a store.

Generally for me, the logitech mouses (g5, g500, G7, m705, mx510, mx518 etc. - they all are big mouses, where your hand is resting on the mouse) are very comfortable, and i hate the razor-mouses (very small, you use them with 2 fingers) while a Friends of mine thinks the opposite..
I'd like to get a new mouse too.

I think I'm in between of a pretty design and ugly but useful comfort. ie, I'm getting either Magic Mouse or Logitech. If they made a white MX, I'd probably get it in a second. But they won't.

I probably shouldn't care this much which color my mouse is. Feels kind of stupid. But that's what you get for having a white MacBook and a nice aluminium keyboard (best feel ever)
No mouse will ever beat the Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0, have been using them (on my 4th right now, I was a gamer... that wears on a mouse ;3) for at least 7 years.
I have a Logitech Performance Mouse MX and I love it - it was a bit more expensive than many, but with the amount of time I spend at my PC, it was worht the price - real comfortable - MAC compatible.
Forgot to mention, one of my favorite additions to my control capabilities was when I dragged out my old Nostromo n52 SpeedPad (use my mouse in my right hand and this in my left when editing and such). I had it from my good old days of multi-boxing in EverQuest (made controlling the four characters I used to run together so much easier. Well, one day I was looking for something else in my closet and found it in a box, went online, found out that Belkin had released Vista drivers, and loaded it up figuring I could Macro many of my common tasks in Sonar - sure enough, it worked like a champ. Not sure anyone else uses one of these, but it has been a welcome addition to my setup.

Seriously, get one of these. It's awkward and difficult to get used to for about a week, but it's so amazing once you get the hang of it. I can literally work for hours with this thing and have zero carpal tunnel pain.

Seriously, get one of these. It's awkward and difficult to get used to for about a week, but it's so amazing once you get the hang of it. I can literally work for hours with this thing and have zero carpal tunnel pain.


Well, it kind of makes sense, not having to twist the wrist at all so it's natural. Ugly as hell though :zombie:
Speaking of carpal tunnel, I got one of these a couple of years ago:

I love it, use it ALL the time and I haven't had any wrist problems since (had it pretty bad before that). Apart from giving support to my palm, I think one of the other benefits from wearing it is that it keeps my wrist warm. I imagine that this has a lot to do with its success in my case.

And well, after getting it I haven't cared very much which mouse I use. Anything goes.
Speaking of carpal tunnel, I got one of these a couple of years ago:

I love it, use it ALL the time and I haven't had any wrist problems since (had it pretty bad before that). Apart from giving support to my palm, I think one of the other benefits from wearing it is that it keeps my wrist warm. I imagine that this has a lot to do with its success in my case.

And well, after getting it I haven't cared very much which mouse I use. Anything goes.

wow, that looks VERY interesting :)
i will have to get one of those some time