Recommend me a Classical song

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
I need to make a music video for a Classical song, i have thought about doing In the Hall of the Mountain King or a Mozart piece but i don't know the genre well enough to decide, anything that you think would work well is appreciated.
stravinsky- rite of spring

for a couple reason.
1) it kicks ass
2) its a ballet and you can steal ideas from the ballet for your video

*waits for GoD to move this thread because he seems to think general music means metal only*
I think "The Rite Of Spring" is too complicated for a small video, and I have a sneaking suspicion that you've never heard it.

A good number for a video using classical music would be any Baroque piece, and a good one would be Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier".
well thankyou for prooving yourself to be an idiot. i have heard it and own a copy of the oslo symphony's performance of it. not my favorite version, there is one part that bugs me, but its pretty good. it also has petrushka (sp?). not only that, but ive seen the balet. so be sure, next time you feel the urge to talk out of your ass, to just quit while youre ahead

yes it is long and complicated, so it may not work. i wouldnt reccomend baroque just because i dont like it. perhaps a nocturn by schuman or some other romantic era composer
Jean-Pierre said:
I think "The Rite Of Spring" is too complicated for a small video, and I have a sneaking suspicion that you've never heard it.

A good number for a video using classical music would be any Baroque piece, and a good one would be Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier".

Yea keep in mind i have a budget of zero dollars, this is a highschool media class project, and i would prefer if the song is 6 minutes at the max but preferrably around 5 minutes.
None of those are songs, there's singing in songs, hence they are called 'songs'.

To make a good video use something lusty, like 'Your hay it is mowed' by Purcell - it's in English, it has beer in it and it takes the piss out of priests.

Or rope a lass into helping you with 'La donna e mobile' or something from Carmen.

FYI Das Wohltemperierte Klavier is not a baroque piece, it is an instructional set of clavichord recitals JS Bach originally wrote for children. Calling it a baroque piece is like calling 'A fine day to die' a 'rock song from the 20th century'.
genocide roach said:
stravinsky- rite of spring

for a couple reason.
1) it kicks ass
2) its a ballet and you can steal ideas from the ballet for your video

*waits for GoD to move this thread because he seems to think general music means metal only*


Sorry, but there IS a music forum for discussion of NON-METAL music the last time I checked, so it does seem reasonable that he'd be under that belief...
Yeah, Mars's good, but you could also use "The 4 seasons" by Vivaldi. Especially the 3rd pt of summer. Do they allow you to use the "Metamorphosis of the 4 seasons" by Uli Jon Roth? That would be great and you could use landscapes and things like that in your video.
Really nice are also J.S.Bach's "Bradenburg Concertos" and I love the Prelude from Partita III for solo violin and "Toccata&Fugue in D-(which is quite long), but I can't think of a video for them.
Check also "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff (the "O Fortuna" part is impressive), Mozart's "Requiem" and Rachmaninov's Chorales ("Blagoslovjen Yesi, Gospodi" etc.).
Just buy the remastered version of Jethro Tull's "Warchild" album - there's a few tracks on there that are just brilliant classical type stuff and could be set well to a video. They have the added bonus of some genius flute playing by my avatar as well. And less gayness than normal classical music. :p