Recommend me a new set of headphones for XMas

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I've been using a pair of Panasonic RP-HTX7's this last year, and they've been pretty good. They started pretty damn scooped but the bass and highs were attenuated over time. They feel great and sound great, better than any other headphones I've tried (perhaps because of the crazy scooping) but they haven't been very durable.. lots of rattles, and last night there was a strange pop and the bass in my right ear disappeared.

So now I need a new pair of headphones. Something that goes over the ear, not on-top, as those are painful over a period of time. Price range is around $100AU, so about twice the price of the RP-HTX7's, which I know is not very expensive but it should do the job. I'd also like something fairly flat for mixing with. And durable.

Any recommendations?
I like my sennheiser HD280, but I haven't tried a ton of headphones or anything. Theyre a 100$. The best part about them to me is the isolation of them. They sound pretty decent too.
Whatever you do, DO NOT get the Sony MDR-7506's, I had 'em for 3 fucking years and they are so freakin' hyped in the highs it's absurd (like, to the point of being painful)
Whatever you do, DO NOT get the Sony MDR-7506's, I had 'em for 3 fucking years and they are so freakin' hyped in the highs it's absurd (like, to the point of being painful)


I have the ATM-M50's and for me, they do the job...
Try it!
I'll write these down and see if I can try them all out, see which I like best. Something a little bass-heavy (not too much, just a tiny bit) would be preferable since I like more bass than most mixes provide.. and so I end up mixing more bass in than is good (gets messy with a sub).
How do the ATH-M50s compare to HD280s? Most importantly, how's the isolation between both pairs?

I can't quite decide whether I'm willing to settle for cans merely for amp mic'ing purposes or also for double-checking mixes. If there are any great iso cans out there that also do an admirable job of representing the frequency spectrum, that would be ace.
Whatever you do, DO NOT get the Sony MDR-7506's, I had 'em for 3 fucking years and they are so freakin' hyped in the highs it's absurd (like, to the point of being painful)

I've been using mine for about three years as well. I love the way they sound with my iPod (iPod Photo; EQ set to "Orchestra" is the only one that sounds right to my ears), but I really should get something else. They probably don't help my mix judgment at all, even though I've been using them for so long and have kind of convinced myself that they do...haha! So the Audio Technicas you say are a good choice? How does the low end compare to the Sonys? I've also heard good things about the AKG K240s...
How do the ATH-M50s compare to HD280s? Most importantly, how's the isolation between both pairs?

I can't quite decide whether I'm willing to settle for cans merely for amp mic'ing purposes or also for double-checking mixes. If there are any great iso cans out there that also do an admirable job of representing the frequency spectrum, that would be ace.

All my impressions that I got when researching awhile ago were that the ATH-M50's were pretty monitor-like in their frequency response (and I can attest have fantastic isolation), whereas the HD280's suck balls for any kind of mixing (I think DSS3 said something like "anyone who mixes on HD280's should be shot :lol: )
I've been using mine for about three years as well. I love the way they sound with my iPod (iPod Photo; EQ set to "Orchestra" is the only one that sounds right to my ears), but I really should get something else. They probably don't help my mix judgment at all, even though I've been using them for so long and have kind of convinced myself that they do...haha! So the Audio Technicas you say are a good choice? How does the low end compare to the Sonys? I've also heard good things about the AKG K240s...

The low end on the Audio Technicas DESTROYS the Sony's; I've read some people saying that it's hyped, but I don't find it so - either way, there's definitely a shitload more of it (probably cuz the drivers are so big). I've heard great things about the K240's as well, but they were too pricey for my college student ass to consider.
How do the ATH-M50s compare to HD280s? Most importantly, how's the isolation between both pairs?

I can't quite decide whether I'm willing to settle for cans merely for amp mic'ing purposes or also for double-checking mixes. If there are any great iso cans out there that also do an admirable job of representing the frequency spectrum, that would be ace.

HD280s rules the roost when it comes to isolation. Vocals, guitar amps, and drums. Every drummer I've handed them to gets a smile on their face. In fact, they're too snug for me for long periods of time. I wouldn't check a mix on them, but they're perfect for tracking.

The ATH-M50s sound much better, but aren't as isolated as the HD280s. I would have no qualms checking mixes on them, or even mixing whole tracks with them if needed. The frequency response is great and they're comfortable for hours.
Yeah, to be clear, my experience with the isolation of the ATH-M50's has just been sweeping a mic in front of my cab, but it gets the job done for that! (and if you want more isolation, you can pull a big manuscript rubber band over each can ;))
I would not recommend the sennheiser 280 to mix with. I've had them for a few years now, got them to upgrade from my sennheiser 212's that finally gave out after many years. I was honestly disappointed with the 280. They were crystal clear and as others have said, and iso very well. However, they have no bass whatsoever in them. They are so empty in the low range, they will make you overcompensate and end up with muddy mixes.

I actually ended up getting another pair of 212's which i still use. They are cheaper than the 280, but i like them way better. They have such a nice balance to me, making mixes very cohesive and full. too nice actually, they probably arent the best to mix with either because it makes the mixes sound better than they are. but i prefer them over the 280.

thats my two cents... so would people recommend the ATH-M50s as good headphones to mix with? I could really use a true-r pair to mix with.
Yeah, I'd say the M50's are good mixing headphones, they seem to have a bit of a hump around the 1k range (or maybe my awesomely awesome computer speakers are lacking in that department, so the M50's just seem hyped by comparison), but that's a good place to have one cuz it's an ugly sounding spot, so you get some of the NS10 flavor! (make no mistake, they still sound good though) Generally though, I really can't see myself mixing with headphones, though I've never listened to a >$200 pair...

And speaking of the 240's, since AKG released the MK II versions, check out this fucking deal on the originals at Sweetwater! (these were once $200/pair, as the MKII's are now) - BUT they're semi-open, so forget about any isolation.
sold! i'm ordering a pair of ATH-M50s.

I agree, i'd much rather mix with some nice monitors... but i can swing $150 now, not $1K for a pair of decent desktop monitors.

whenever i hear people flippantly throwing around that dumbass cliche, "the best things in life are free," i wanna shove them down a flight a stairs. they've obviously never tried to create anything
Hahaha, I'll second that - all the same, though, even a decent pair of computer speakers like the Bose Companion 2's are better than just headphones to mix with; I wouldn't recommend just one or the other, but both together would work well (it's what I've been using for awhile, though I'm finally getting monitors for XMAS! :))
i'm beginning to understand that... i've had a hell of a time lately as i'm working on my first "finished" songs. i know that there are supposed to be big differences between the way your mix sounds on the computer, on a boombox, on an ipod, in a car... i've known that for years now. but as i get closer to a finshed product, i dont find myself any closer to getting a more solid mix that doesnt have such a large disparity across the different mediums.

maybe i do need to suck it up and get some monitors sooner than later. problem is, i do alot of work at night... really late. dont think my neighbors would appreciate it much. of course, i gotta worry about affording them first i guess. life is so hard

thanks for the insight!