Recommend me a PA system?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hello guys,

Been thinking of starting working with a former business on some social events (namely weddings) playing synths, but I don't have the first idea on what to get for a good PA system, since I'm sure most likely I'd have to bring my own stuff to churches, clubs etc.
All I already have is the synth, I'm thinking of a cheap mac laptop too (maybe Air?), if I decide to use some other sounds, other than the synth's (at least unless I end up upgrading my current kb down the line, a 76key Korg).

What is best to get, good sound quality (or it doesn't matter that much?), portability, power protection, etc?

Thanks much for your advice!
My band uses a Behringer Europower (pretty sure that's it).....Forget exactly what we paid for it. I normally stay away from this company.

We did have an issue with the PA head cutting in/out as if it was being clipped or it seemed like the emergency shut-off was kicking in for no apparent reason. This seemed to happen on very hot summer days. We replaced it for a new one. The new one also does the same thing once in a while. Not cool, but it definitely appears to happen when a really hot signal is coming in.

And they are apparently very picky about the voltage they see.

Aside from that, I've dealt with a few older Peavey PA's and most of them had issues as well.

Wish I could be of more help. Honestly, the Behringer sounds fine for what we use it for (vocals, backing tracks, samples). It's just that I hear when they break - they are all done.
We just got a JBL Eon10 G2 (discontinued maybe 2 years ago) used in great shape for $250 (which seemed about the norm), and though we haven't had a chance to use it in practice yet (just with an iPhone, which sounded sweet), it got tons of great reviews on multiple websites, so I bet one or two would be your best bet as well for that price (though I realize you're not in the US, I've always wondered what country you hail from ;))

Or, if you're budget is higher, the Eon15's still looked the best to me for the price (around $400 used per speaker), or the Mackie SRM450's (though supposedly the newest ones suffer from inferior build quality)
Thanks much guys, well I'm looking for a PA setup not for the brootz, so I realize this may not be the ideal place to ask for church venues :lol: but I guess a PA system is going to be good or bad anyway, no matter the type of gig.

I've been checking some interesting contraptions, looking to 'GAS' myself into a new job, if that makes sense haha - mostly speaker cabinets, like these new Stagesource loudspeakers, maybe overkill at 1400 watts for semi-large places? (an a b*tch to carry around), but I'm guessing showing big gear could help me charge more down the line, perhaps (although in that case, a couple of Peavey speakers could suffice?)

The JBLs seem solid and some of them are inexpensive and look more portable, I've seen EONs in action (well, not really, only old geezers talking through them in building assemblies haha) also I think I should try to avoid passive speakers, since the dudes I'd be working with occasionally already use them, and their power amplifier (a Behringer, IIRC) is always crapping out.

The new version of the SRM450s seems to have indeed very unflattering reviews, well I'm going to keep looking, any other suggestions or advice much appreciated really.

@Marcus: well I prefer to remain somewhat anonymous on the web, and as for here at least until I can show some decent tracks finished ;)
QSC KW series are awesome! KW152 or KW153. Honestly I would just pony up the extra $100 for the 153. They have a lot more low end than the 152.

These boxes are not exactly cheap but aren't super expensive either.. they are made from wood (not plastic like the cheaper eon/mackie/behringer stuff)

You paying a little more money in the beginning will save you a lot in the long run!

These cabs have built in protection DSP; thermal and excursion limiting. I won't say they are impossible to blow up but you will have a very difficult time doing so.

The KW153 have enough low end if you get 2 of them (4x 15" woofers) that you probably don't need an external sub unless you are doing really bass heavy music. The 153 could also probably sit on the ground and throw far enough that you don't need stands for them.

If you want to pay less money you could look into the QSC K12 boxes. They are plastic but have the same driver protection as the KW series. Not much in the low end department though, you'd probably need an external sub.
Was just about to say the same thing, those Yamaha's are basically cheap Nexo's. Sounded great when I heard them in my local shop.

Got to give a big shout out to the JBL PRX line, sound great, lots of power and they're VERY light!
All really interesting options, but I'm wondering if starting out with a couple of Peavey PV 215 speakers could be a better move.. To see if I can establish some clientele first, etc.

At $300 they're dirt cheap and I'm reading good reviews from them (except for a couple of details) and unless they actually sound really bad in comparison, I'm going to doubt people in a social event are going to even appreciate smaller, better cabinets?
Ack, do you really wanna deal with a separate power amp, though? Not to mention how fucking massive those are, I'd still rather get a used pair of powered Eon15's or SRM450's (used our Eon10 G2 at practice last night btw, sounded amazing and plenty loud/clean, even though it was amplifying drum tracks, 2 vocal mics, and a DI bass, courtesy of our mixer :headbang: )
Ah yes, scratch that, for some reason I momentarily thought that was a powered speaker haha
How many inputs are you looking at having?

EV put out a really nice speaker range not too long ago - the ELX range, included in the range are three powered designs. I often use the 112P and the 115P as mid-highs and the 118P is a pretty tight and punchy sub. Incredible value for money. The 112P sounds a little oomphy when trying to reproduce anything around 100Hz and below, but has a 'with sub' mode that basically chucks in a HPF at 100Hz or so and really tidies it up. They look fantastic for corporate events too. Work great as monitors as well. Highly recommended!
It would be just me on a keyboard, initially I'd be using two cabinets, possibly 4 later on (provided my spine doesn't break first :lol:). My current kb has 4 outputs anyway, so I guess even without using an external DAW I could program them (with the onboard sounds to begin with, at least), that'd be a nice expandable option down the road, I think.

Thanks for that EV tip! Having them usable as monitors too sounds great, will check them out.