Recommend me a small interface for PT9


Jan 15, 2008
I need a new interface- I have an M-Audio 1814 box which has terrible A/D convertors/mic pres.

I really just need something that will let me track nice DIs for reamping and throw up a pair of stereo mics once in a while.

Can't use Apogee Duet as I'm on PC but something similar would be great.
Any chance you get to try out a RME Babyface? Fits your description and budget.
(Another high-end interface that is relatively small is the Metric Halo I/O ULN2, but it's expensive and also Mac only)
i should also add that purchasing a quality made di box in conjunction with quality converters will prove to be in your best interest.

countryman type 85 di box is one of the most common and is one of the most revered (as far as audio products go).
Anyone have a suggestion for an Apogee Duet equivalent for PC under $500? Might be making a similar purchase for the radio station I work at, as the M-Audio MobilePre we currently have is adding unacceptable noise to the signal. The RME Babyface would be perfect but is a little out of our price range. We only need 2 inputs max.
honestly, avid mbox 3 series is great and cross compatible with mac/windows (also, in your spec and price range).

but rme and apogee are certainly the front runners.