Recommend me an axe

xenophobe said:
I've seen a few neckthru Vandenburgs and they look great. I've yet to actually play one though.
The necks are super thin and fast, the bodies are well balanced and they have great pickups. It is definitely one of the best metal guitars out there. You should definitely try one out.

if your gonna go custom, go esp custom. i like esps custom shop better than any custom shop. jackson customs are alright, but they make soo many guitars that you dont really need a custom shop.

but i would definately say to check out the more expensive ibanez, i seriously dont believe that you can beat them, they are some of the greatest guitars ive ever played, next to esp of course. jacksons are alright, but i dont think they play as well as the ibanez or esp, and they are definately lower quality.

about your dime guitar, ive never heard that problem being a reoccurring one on those guitars, maybe your neck is bowed?. and if it isnt bowed, then maybe your floyd rose needs to be adjusted more. one reason i dont use floyd rose is because of all the trouble they are of keeping them in top shape, especially since i fluctuate between 11's and 12's more than one should change string gauge, so im constantly fucking around with intonation, action and the like.

even if the bow is very small, fixing it can make a HUGE difference. so definately check that out, and you might not need to spend the money on a second axe
Sex Machine said:
even if the bow is very small, fixing it can make a HUGE difference. so definately check that out, and you might not need to spend the money on a second axe

Yeah good point i think i'll look into that some more before i decide for sure to get a new guitar :)
I dont really know if ESP has a quality SO much higher than Jackson or BC Rich or something else (Ive never played a Custom) but ESP seems pretty damn expensive!!! when I put a custom together (just for fun) online, it would have cost me some 3000 from BC Rich and (for about the same guitar) some 5500$ from ESP.............
oh really?

i havent put a custom together online for a while, seriously tho, that is the funnest thing ever haha. i used to do shit like that daily, just create a new guitar, i guess they got more expensive or something, cause when i used to do it, i could get an awesome custom for 1500.
well, the ESP was a bit better than the BC Rich, but not THAT much better..........

also it was a guitar with pretty much everything you can get, I doubt that I would make use of all that stuff that it would hav had ;)
This is an Ibanez RG1620XGK.

I have one for dropped D tuning and one for standard.

They have excellent tone on the humbuckers and also have piezo pickups built into the saddles. The piezos give a really good acoustic sound when run through an acoustic amp. I purchased these because I play some classical parts in my music.

The guitar also has two input jacks, so I can run one to my FX and stack and the other to an acoustic amp.