Recommend me good mitt pitting music!

Well Four Brothers was off the reel peeps. Anyhow yesterday I promised all of you an explanation of the Sloth Strut.

Now the Sloth Strut is not something you perform at a hardcore gig. If you do, they just wont know wtf you're doing. An obviously, why would you want to sloth strut there anyways? You need to go to a Ginso-Rock concert to have plenty of room to sloth strut. For those of you heathens that have never heard of ginso rock. It's 3 bass players, 1 acoustic guitarist, a xylophonist, and a vocalist who chirps. It's gaining popularity up here in new england. Any how here's a pic to give you the idea.


You can also tag team sloth strut. But it requires a little more balance. Now to do these wonderous moves I suggest you practice at home. Do box squats with a gallon of milk in each hand. This should really add to your balance. In no time you'll have calves of steel! I may very well do it tonight at the Pantaloons concert. I'll have to check out the vibe first though.

See ya on the floor guys!

"vocalist who chirps"


oh man this is the greatest thing ever, that sloth strut picture is amazing on so many levels.