Recommend Me Some Bathory-like Metal

Although this band sounds a lot different than bathory. There my finnish brothers
and they did an awesome version of Thirteen Candles on Babalon De Patralx Telocvovim and they are called Enochian Crescent.
Main Entry: los·er
Pronunciation: 'lü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : one that loses especially consistently
2 : one who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint
Back on topic, please. And don't try to be clever by saying "OMG BUT YOU BROUGHT IT OFF TOPIC IN THE FIRST PLACE" 'cause I'm already aware. ;)
Ok. :)

Why did the numptys call themselves 'Bathory' in the first place? It is a boring Hungarian surname. Is it because of that demented hag who lived in a shitty 'castle' and molested young women?
Naggamanteh said:
Ok. :)

Why did the numptys call themselves 'Bathory' in the first place? It is a boring Hungarian surname. Is it because of that demented hag who lived in a shitty 'castle' and molested young women?

Duh. Maybe that's why a lot of Black Metal bands have written songs about her. See: Venom, Bathory, Tormentor. Also Dissection, but whatever. Among others.
TaylorC said:
You listed three numbers. Thats exactly why I don't agree or listen to you. :p What about Bathory's FIRST 3 albums is at all like De Mysteriis?

Nothing, because the first 3 Bathory albums have nothing to do with the more Death Metal-oriented sound of De Mysteriis. Anyone who disagrees has down syndrome.

Anyway, lest I forget, Rampage - "Bellum Infinitum." I doesn't sound like the first 3 Bathory, but if you're looking for something more tinged towards Bathory's epic era, this is fucking awesome.
TaylorC said:
You listed three numbers. Thats exactly why I don't agree or listen to you. :p What about Bathory's FIRST 3 albums is at all like De Mysteriis?

I said nothing about DMDS. You said it was the only good Mayhem album, and I pointed out that you're wrong. But Deathcrush and Live In Leipzig do still have an obvious early Bathory influence. Although I also wasn't saying that Mayhem sounds exactly like Bathory, just that... oh fuck it, I don't even care.