Recommend me some Dimmu Borgir


Feb 22, 2007
just saw Dimmu Borgir live, and I didn't like most of their songs, but there were 2 songs that were really really kickass sounding. I have no idea what they were, but I'm assuming it was their older stuff since I'd assume they'd be playing mostly their newer stuff and I've heard people say their old stuff is good. So which albums of theirs should I check out?
just saw Dimmu Borgir live, and I didn't like most of their songs, but there were 2 songs that were really really kickass sounding. I have no idea what they were, but I'm assuming it was their older stuff since I'd assume they'd be playing mostly their newer stuff and I've heard people say their old stuff is good. So which albums of theirs should I check out?

i like most of their music but the albums you should really pick up are:

spiritual black dimensions
enthrone darkness triumphant
stormblast (original version though the re-recording is also good)
just saw Dimmu Borgir live, and I didn't like most of their songs, but there were 2 songs that were really really kickass sounding. I have no idea what they were, but I'm assuming it was their older stuff since I'd assume they'd be playing mostly their newer stuff and I've heard people say their old stuff is good. So which albums of theirs should I check out?

In terms of the quality of their riffs/melodies, the '96-'99 period (Stormblast, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions) is their best. Lots of memorable, keyboard-heavy songs. I'd recommend starting with EDT.

The early two albums (For All Tid and Stormblast) are a big step down in recording quality from everything else, which may or may not appeal to you depending on your tastes. They did a re-recording of Stormblast, though, so you can hear that one in their modern sound - though it's not as subtle and atmospheric as the original.

Ever since Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, their sound has gotten more and more mainstream, and the songwriting more generic. PEM has a few great songs, but overall is pretty patchy compared to the earlier albums. Death Cult Armageddon is okay, but not really worth it unless you have a serious hard-on for orchestral metal. In Sorte Diaboli is by far their worst album, and I cannot recommend it to you on any grounds whatsoever.

Hope that helps you in your decision.
i also saw them live a few weeks ago at the Grove of Anaheim, and they were completely decimated by Behemoth's set. They didn't sound half as good as on their records (too much production i guess), so if you couldn't make out very many songs in concert, no worries, they sound ten times better on cd.

all in all they sounded like actual live black metal though, hahaha, so i guess that's a plus...

I would definitely recommend:
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Puritanical Euphoric Misantrophia
I have Stormblast re-recording and Death Cult Armageddon. Stormblast is awesome, DCA is solid. Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse is mind-blowing.
I've only heard For All Tid and Death Cult Armageddon, both of them great albums in my opinion.
demo ep with the long name
For All Tid (version on nuclear blast comes with above ep I believe)

Those 2 are quite raw sounding and a little rough around the edges, but good nonetheless

Stormblast (their best album imo)
Devil's Path
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant

...nothing else.