Recommend me some keyboard plugins

Most of my keyboard treatments involve ugly-ing them up, so my top three plugs are:

- Soundtoys Decapitator - for warming things up a bit in a subtle way
- Sansamp PSA-1 - for dirtying things up a bit in a more obvious way
- Audioease Speakerphone 2 - for completely transforming/distorting/awesome-fying

All of the Soundtoys effects are great for injecting a little life into things too.
If you're looking for a synth to use for fx/sound design/ambience I'd recommend Omnisphere. It's one of the more expensive software synths, takes up ~50Gb of hard drive space and is pretty greedy on ram/processor usage. Despite that it's still the best at what it does and has plenty of usable presets if you don't want to get your hands dirty. NI's Absynth and Alchemy by Camel Audio are also worth checking out. If you want a fairly simple and versitile synth for basses/leads/pads etc try Massive. All of these except for Omnisphere have demos available on the manufacturer's websites.
Elektrostudio plugins, These have been some of my favorites atm. Some of the best free Synths I've found

TAL, These are also very good and free.

Xils Labs, Really love the PolyKB 2. There other synths are quite good as well.

I like using ferric TDS to give them a little life, Or distortion from amp sims etc. It always depends, Just stay creative.

I could list lots more but these have been my favorite Synths. I have been mainly using the elektrostudio plugins. You can get alot of different synth sounds from the 10 plugin pack.