Recommend some preamp


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
Hi, I need some recommendation to buy a preamp for live - and studio if possible- purpose to use with a Peavy Tube Amp. Now I use a PodXT, great sound but wanna buy something different. I'm going to USA and I know there are cheaper than in Spain.

I'm interested in Mesa's Triaxis. Any idea of second hand cost in USA?
And what about Peavey Rock Master? Sounds good
Hi, I need some recommendation to buy a preamp for live - and studio if possible- purpose to use with a Peavy Tube Amp. Now I use a PodXT, great sound but wanna buy something different. I'm going to USA and I know there are cheaper than in Spain.

I'm interested in Mesa's Triaxis. Any idea of second hand cost in USA?
And what about Peavey Rock Master? Sounds good

rockmaster can sound a little 5150ish and can be picked up for about $250 or less *if* you can find one. The triaxis sells for around $1000 used in the usa. You might want to check out an ada mp1 as they are capable of soem good tones.

I can throw out some more if you tell me what your budget in usd might be.
The triaxis is a very cool piece of gear.
Anyone tried the engl rackmount stuff?

ive heard great things about their poweramps, but one of their preamps supposedly sucks. Not sure which one though and I havent heard it so I dont know.

I forget to mention.. that rockmaster clip is tits. I really dig it.
Probably the cheapest Engl preamp ($510 from RSA, talk about chump change), cuz I've heard great things about the MIDI one, and I'm sure the SE one is no slouch either.