recommendation: Everrest


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
so, thank you Nevermorian, you fine bass player of this band that succeeded to play a gig so divinely that now we have your CD.
it is hard to say what is better.... it's just stunning how it was played. we have the CD for four hours only and we love it already. (the covers of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell and Beastie Boys's You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party are simply great; maybe because I like B.Idol a lot, :D ).

I'm inviting everyone who likes 'art' in metal (metalized is making fun of me, although he loves the band..... :loco: ) to check this band on the:

enjoy, and thanks again, Steffan ( much better than Steven, :Spin: )!

corrected version
Hey Tee!

Thanks for the advertising! I'm glad that you and Nikos like it that much, it's just amazing to read that! With a little luck, we even might get in the studio late July or September (august is impossible, unfortunatly *damncivilservices*)
@Ihreil; Yes, it does ;) (to all Dream Theater fans; It has nothing to do with "war inside my head" of them...)
...that Everest are just a great talented band.

1. Technical: And they show that in the structure of their songs and not in endless "showing off" solos,
2. METAL: Str8 guitar attacks and powerfull riffs cover many parts of their songs,
3. Art: As mentioned above the structure of their songs follows the difficult path. I always considered metal as a form of art. These guys deliver art in metal and in ears.
4. Musicianship: When I realised that this is a live CD and NOT a well rehearsed demo, I said: "wow! These guys really know their stuff!".
5. Melody: You just have to trip along with their melodic parts, which are all over their songs. Just beautifull.
6. Their singer reminded me a bit of Tony Benito (second singer of Heir Aparrent) in its deep, moddy parts, and that is a big plus in my book.
7. Their bassist is a Nevermore fan, a visitor of the forum and a really good guy! ;) (of course this did not in any way affect my judgement for the CD)
8. They covered two songs that made my beloved wife happy. :)
9. Long live Everrest!

Closing I send my regards to the nice people I know in this forum and they know who they are. :)
Troyanasy said:
Alright Metalized is back!!!!
Staighting REAL facts

The new Exodus IS METAL

-Traighter babble monster
hey ya Troy!

I didnt listen to the Exodus, but i don't remember them as anything less than metal. :headbang: