Recommendation: Fortid - Völuspa Part II: The Arrival of Fenris


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, for my second, and recommend an album that I've only had for about 3 weeks now, but, it has been in my 5-disc changer constantly, and shall not be leaving any time soon. Sometimes, an album comes out that pleases my ear drums with the most mighty of furys, even the first time I hear it. Fortid's sequel to Völuspa Part I: Thor's Anger, their debut of 3 years ago, is one of them.

The album begins with the intro track, Bifröst, a dark synth track leading into the sound of bells and cymbal crashes fills the area around me. It leads into the light guitar intro of Odin's Sacrifice. The drums and the piano are introduced and the music starts to build up, the vocals come in, a well done clean vocal. Eventually a double bass work begins that sends my testicles into a jumping frenzy. The music ceases, a chant section, and then it happens... A scream. And then you're prepared for the rest of the album.

This album hits many an area, in my mind, for one minute you'll be enjoying a tribal like chant, and the next a viking black metal assault that will have your ears dancing in pure awe of it's intensity. Afterwhich it moves to a peaceful melody, and then building back up into another assault.

This CD is fucking epic. Now listen and learn.


1. Bifröst 02:08
2. Odin's Sacrifice 07:59 -
3. Baldur's Murder 05:36 -
4. World Of Hel 07:05
5. The Arrival Of Fenris 05:59
6. Náströnd 07:12 -
7. The Presence 05:51

I would also suggest their debut, Völuspa Part I: Thor's Anger, but I just can't find it...
i will also check this one out with interest. i did read reviews saying Part I was lame, but No Colours rarely disappoints me. I like the style they release.
Part 1 was not great, but it was still good. It's been about 4 years since that and they really refined their style in that time.
Wasn't sure what to expect when you posted this second recommendation, but I have to give it a thumbs up. I'm not really the viking/pagan metal mark that most are, but this stuff works damned well. Good reco.
Good stuff. I really liked the lead piano in the 'Odin...', it's too bad that didn't stick around more. The drum machine is pretty distracting too. So I probably won't run out and buy it, but it's a band name I'll at least keep my eye on now.

Great recommendation. I really like this kind of pagan/viking/black metal. Most of the songs have a good mixture of fast parts, atmospheric parts and SEVERELY HEADBANGING AND ASSKICKING parts. I like.