RECOMMENDATION:Obsequiae- Suspended in the Brume of Eos


Active Member
Jun 6, 2001
Brooklyn, NYC
Obsequiae (US)

Alright, this got some attention on the gmd forum, but little if any here, which needs to be remedied. Obsequiae play a melodic black/death metal with a heavy emphasis on medieval /melody harmonies. Great guitar work, nice upfront bass and varied structuring round this one out:

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Damn. I was going to make a new thread for this album, but I found this one instead. This album fucking RULES. here's the whole thing.

Still a strong competitor for album of the decade... I think that this would appeal to a lot of you guys, and everyone should check it out. Just fist-clenching, ass-kicking riffs and melodies.... One after the other, over and over again. Delicately crafted masterpiece.

Imagine Orchid-era Opeth, Pale Folklore, various melodic death metal and heavy metal influences, a healthy dose of influence from Middle Age melodies, and a little bit of black and/or thrash metal. Great shit... If you like this album, they are releasing the follow up in May. Everyone says that it's somehow better!
I'm _finally_ at my home computer to check this out. Hear a lot of things I like. Great melody here.
good work lads. the first time i listened to the full album, I wasn't immediately as thrilled as i am now. i thought, "this is great" and then forgot about it. i was placing an order with bindrune and thought the CD would be a worthwhile purchase for $11. started listening to it in my car, and the rest is history. just a really great album. i mean the first four tracks are just a legendary lineup. this is a great example of what the USA has to offer the world of extreme metal. very uniquely crafted stuff
been rockin this a lot the last couple weeks. my friend has the CD so ive heard it before in the car or whatever but never paid too close attention. shit rules!