Recommendation: The Photographic


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Recommendation: The Photographic


1. The Pieces Fit –
2. To the Muse –
3. An Oceanographer’s Lament –

Louisville-based, post-rock duo The Photographic are my favorite local band, and for good reason. Though softer and more low-key than fellow instrumental post-rock groups such as Pelican, Red Sparowes, Tides, et al, The Photographic are just as emotive, oftentimes combining joy and melancholy in the same song yet settling somewhere in between. All their music resonates strongly, leaving lasting impressions while simultaneously demanding repeated listens. Thankfully, they are now signed – label to be announced in the near future – and will be releasing their debut full-length in 2007.

UM’s Unsigned Spotlight with The Photographic
Official The Photographic MySpace Website
The main difference between this band and bands like Pelican and Red Sparowes isn't the fact that the music is far softer and low-key, it's the fact that the music is straight forward. As I listen to this now I see no reason in wanting to listen to it again. Not for the fact that it is bad, as it is quite enjoyable. I just find no depth in it. Solid elevator tunes, not made for my everyday cd player.
I never said anything about a main difference - I just mentioned one of many. I would recommend listening to the songs about once a day for a week or so, and then see what happens. If nothing does, then I guess TP aren't for you.
I had these on in the background a while ago and it went largely unnoticed but every once in a while I kept asking myself, "This is cool. Who is this again?" So not a bad start. I'll have to pay attention next time.
I really like this. Kept my attention, but relaxed me at the same time. Definitely going into my 'shit to fall asleep to' playlist. In fact, if anyone could recommend more bands like this, I'd appreciate it - I'd like more mellow post-rock to accentuate all the 'raagh, metal' in my collection.