Recommendations for Epic Death Metal?

yeah, you'll get the rare edition with the Ares (vocalist) autograph probably. Both my Beyond the Wandering Moon and Dark Sorcery have that autograph
Dreamlord said:
yeah, you'll get the rare edition with the Ares (vocalist) autograph probably. Both my Beyond the Wandering Moon and Dark Sorcery have that autograph
Yes...they mentioned Ares would have signed my copy. I think that's good service - in fact, it's outstanding. She was right on the ball telling me straight away that they sold out of Wandering Moon. (I found it on RedStream anyway).

It's so weird that you're having all these problems with The End. When you ordered Zyklon, did you order it on its own? Free shipping? I normally get my hauls in 5 days from them.

By the way, both Tribalchemy and Maria (at Martyr) highly recommend A Darker Monument....your thoughts on that album? Does it fit within this discussion of "epic" DM?
JayKeeley said:
Yes...they mentioned Ares would have signed my copy. I think that's good service - in fact, it's outstanding. She was right on the ball telling me straight away that they sold out of Wandering Moon. (I found it on RedStream anyway).
I've ordered from Martyr Music twice. The first time, I had some problems, but it was not Maria's fault. The Post Office where she is located misplaced my order along with about 10 other orders. The Post Office admitted to it. Bad luck, eh? The second time, everything was great.

It's so weird that you're having all these problems with The End. When you ordered Zyklon, did you order it on its own? Free shipping? I normally get my hauls in 5 days from them.
Yeah, I ordered Zyklon on its own on the 10th with free shipping. Still nothing. I also placed an order with Willowtip on the 19th. Tipton emailed me and said one of the CDs I ordered was mailed yesterday. I bet I receive the Willowtip package first which is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

By the way, both Tribalchemy and Maria (at Martyr) highly recommend A Darker Monument....your thoughts on that album? Does it fit within this discussion of "epic" DM?
eh...everything before and including And So the Night Became is essential. Everything after really depends on your tastes. Nothing after ASTNB is "epic". Shadows of Old, Ascension of Terror, and A Darker Monument are pretty much brutal death metal with atmosphere. It's not bad, but a far cry from the first three.
some amazing death metal albums that are very epic creating atmosphere and emotion

1. rune - the end of nothing - original and with so much feeling, i don't care if i put it out many will agree this is one of 2003's best

2. immolation- unholy cult and just about everything they have done.

if you don't have these make sure you get them.
tipton said:
1. rune - the end of nothing - original and with so much feeling, i don't care if i put it out many will agree this is one of 2003's best
I've read about this - I'm intrigued. Did you send us a promo?

Otherwise I placed an order with you tonight for a bunch of stuff...thanks in advance.
I want to get Incantation - Blasphemy too.

Even the titles are epic: The Sacrilegious Apocalypse of Righteousness and Agonizing Dementia (The Final Defilement of Your Lord)
Lykathea Aflame sounds good, if not a little disconnected. Not a bad thing as such, but it's a little hotch-potch in that it doesn't have a running theme. They tend to leverage all sorts of mysticism in their music - norse, tibetan, egyptian...kind of all over the place. Only listened to it once though.

Also, I want to add a nomination to this thread. I know we've talked about it elsewhere but I can't remember where. Anyway....NAGLFAR - Sheol. Listened to it again this morning and something just clicked for me. I always liked it but now I really like it.

Erik's review is spot on. There is nothing too original here, and it doesn't carry too much depth, but the interesting element to me is how their strand of death metal is reminiscent to Vital Remains but alongside the concurrent beauty of their black metal presence. They seem to marry both death and black together very well.

It's a cool release for 2003 for sure.
Dreamlord said:
Aeternus comes to mind. Don't know if you've heard these guys, but death metal don't come much more epic and downright pummeling. However, ONLY check out their first three releases, especially Beyond the Wandering Moon.
Aeturnus - Beyond the Wandering Moon:

Thanks for the recommendation, I really like it. It's got this constant almost 'drone-like' pummeling going on (almost Burzum-esque in sound), and I like the neo-folk medleys from Morrigan working in subtle harmony. Like her artwork too.
Listening to Aeternus - ...And so the Night Became. Their best album for me.

Come on, "Warrior of the Crescent Moon" is disgustingly good. Music this good should be illegal. That is the best Aeternus song I've heard now - that beautiful acoustic intro is stunning, but those last few minutes of epic classical heaviness is what makes it. Epic Epic Epic!!!! Music needs to be larger than life!

Dreamlord - you don't half listen to some talentless noisy crud like Goatballs, but you've got some real gems like Aeternus in your collection, I'll give you that.
Yes yes, but "...Crescent Moon" is one of those rare hair raising moments that makes you hit the rewind button just because you can't believe what you just heard.
Finally more people recognize Aeternus. Oh and Dreamlord, did you check their website? i'm drooling right now :D

Lykathea Aflame sounds good, if not a little disconnected. Not a bad thing as such, but it's a little hotch-potch in that it doesn't have a running theme. They tend to leverage all sorts of mysticism in their music - norse, tibetan, egyptian...kind of all over the place. Only listened to it once though.
Listen to it more. At first it may seem a little all over the place, but you'll get the hang of it after some spins.
I listen to Aeternus a helluva lot more than Goatsblood. Beyond the Wandering Moon is still my fave. Sworn Revenge and Sentinels of Darkness just get the blood pumpin' Excellent work out music or stuff to get the adrenaline going before whatever needs adrenaline going.

@US - no, haven't seen the website lately. I'll check it out.

I like Lykathea Aflame more and more after each listen. But what the hell is that damn keyboard piece at the end? And why is it so damn long?
and I still say this motherfucker has the best growl in metal:

I like Lykathea Aflame more and more after each listen. But what the hell is that damn keyboard piece at the end? And why is it so damn long?
It's a song that Petr's brother wrote. Petr is very spiritual and he felt he needed to put that on the album. I don't really know why it's so long, though.

and I still say this motherfucker has the best growl in metal:

:lol: Agreed. Have you seen videos of Aeternus live (or at least heard Burning The Shroud)? damn, the guy delivers the goods live as well!