Recommendations, please.


just say hi
Jan 22, 2002
About a week ago I sorted my rather modest collection by genre, only to find that there are some huge gaps where I've almost completely ignored a genre due to being too immersed in another. I 'got into' metal through nu-metal :)blush: ) and then went from melodic death to death/black etc; quite a common route to have taken, I think. Anyway, this leaves me with an embarrassing knowledge/collection of thrash and traditional metal.


Metallica - Master of Puppets; Ride the Lightning
Kreator - Extreme Aggression
Coroner - Mental Vortex; Punishment for Decadence
Slayer - Reign in Blood

Traditional etc:

Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast

Seriously, that's it. One Iron Maiden. No Judas Preist. No Black Sabbath (I was going to get that box set mentioned here a while ago but ended up spending my money on other things). Shocking. Now, this has become a little longwinded and I'm not sure if anyone will still be reading this :loco: but basically I would like recommendations of some essential traditional metal albums and also some other thrash albums (I know the average age on this board is higher than most on UM, so I figured quite a lot of you would be able to help). Oh, and one more thing: viking metal. Bands/albums worth looking into? Thanks.

Judas Priest - Painkiller
Iron Maiden - everything from Iron Maiden to Seventh son of a seventh son, seriously.
Helloween - Walls of Jericho + the two "Keeper.." albums.
Kreator - Coma of souls and Violent revolution
also Black Sabbath - Vol 4
Diamond Head - Lightning To The Nations
viking metal : Bathory - Hammerheart (the ruler of all)
thrash: overkill - feel the fire, agent steel - sceptics apocalypse, Exodus - Bonded By Blood
these ones to begin with
Sepultura - Arise and Beneath the Remains
Sacred Reich - American Way (this can get pricey, so any of theirs will work).

Black Sabbath - the first 6 albums (s/t, Paranoid, Master of Reality, Vol. 4, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and Sabotage).
mm i'll throw my 2 cents in. The Thrash has pretty much been covered but i'll add:
Wrathchild America "3D"
Armored Saint "Raising Fear"
Anthrax "Persistance of Time" or State of Euphoria"
Sacred Reich "The American Way" or "Independent"
Kreator oh yessss
Overkill "Years of Decay"

Trad. Metal hmm....:
Judas Priest "Ram it Down"
Trouble "s/t" (yes this is considered more doom but just ignore that :D ) Sabbath naturally (Ozzy Years)
ermmm >_> ... . . .. . . <_< . . .. .. o_0 .. . . Danzig "Lucifuge"
Black Winter Day said:
it is shameful that no one has mentioned the first 4 megadeth albums
oh yea , see now i was thinking too hard about it, blah, although i prefer the first 3. I don't feel that strongly about R.I.P. *shrug* yea i know blasphemy and all that.
RIP and Peace Sells, definitely. Killing is my Business is a definite maybe.

Avoid So Far So Good This Sucks. :tickled:
You wish.

Hook in Mouth and Into the Lungs of Hell both kick ass, but that's all I really like from SFSGSW.
ack, So Far.. is a superb album! In My Darkest Hour is an excellent song as well:hotjump:
Int said:

Metallica - Master of Puppets; Ride the Lightning
Kreator - Extreme Aggression
Coroner - Mental Vortex; Punishment for Decadence
Slayer - Reign in Blood

You might like these albums

Massacra - Enjoy the Violence
Dark Angel - Darkness Decends
Sodom - Agent Orange
BWD reads too many lyric sheets.

JayKeeley said:
How the fuck does Chaos AD get ranked higher than Beneath the Remains??? What are you fucking nuts people?
I want to immortalize this quote here, because it cracks me up every time I read it, and it seems to fit.