Recommendations, please.


Seriously though, Sacred Reich still provided much thrash goodness well into the 90s. I wonder if Phil Rind is still involved in the music industry?

EDIT: just saw you put best NEW thrash band since the 90s. D'oh.
Ain't My Bitch
Mama Said
Don't Tread On Me

Gonna be an awesome medley, I can feeeeeeeeel it.
good new thrash since 1990?

I've heard Imagika is good, but I haven't really listened to them yet.

That's all that really comes to mind, as I don't care much for The Haunted, Dew Scented, and the other similar bands. It's not the thrash I remember and love with all my body, including my pee pee. Bay Area is the one thrash to which all other thrashers are bound.
... and the featured Lethal songs were:
Lethal Injection
Silent Strike
Violent Solution
Cleansed by Flames

I am now listening to it, sounds fucking great and with these crappy headphones (blablabla) I can't even hear myself playing badly all the time :D
Seriously, I even forgot how the riffs went on songs I've written myself so I just guessed. I didn't guess very well, mostly.