Recommended band


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Made Of Iron from Greece.

Their 2004 debut Made Of Iron is pure Iron Maiden tribute. Classic metal with lots of melody, clean vocals and energy.

Another band that believe in keeping the old school flame alive :worship:
Wyvern said:
Another band that believe in keeping the old school flame alive :worship:
Yeah, great to see bands going back t the oldschool times! Greece is definately good at it. Heard the last Valkija yet? Recommendation (from Greece) as well.
Griffin- said:
Yeah, great to see bands going back t the oldschool times! Greece is definately good at it. Heard the last Valkija yet? Recommendation (from Greece) as well.

Thanks Fleur, note taken regarding them ;)

I definitively digging MOI a lot, I don't care that they sound too much Maiden it works for me. :headbang:
KMADD said:
Hey Wyvern I dont know if you like black or death metal but speaking

Nope sorry I'm the official UMOS black/death basher :lol: But thanks for the recommendation anyway.
FYI, Valkija is Italian.

Another Greek band that is being released on Sonic Age as we speak is PERPETUAL (also known as Overlord's Perpetual- the guitarist goes by the name Overlord by coincidence). Kind of an Ynqwie thing. Very pro sounding from the one song I heard. And the Polish Band HELLFIRE that they also just signed is very good. Add to that a Canadian band PENETRATOR and the Greek band EUROFORCE and you find Sonic Age rally does have a solid commitment to quality heavy music.

Also, Cult Metal Classics did release two new CDs before handing off that responsibility to Sonic Age. Those being teh Greek band BLOODSTAINED and Jack Starr's GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME (and a few others I think).
Lol shit they're indeed from Italy..
Allright, talking Greek bands: Litany (doom/epic, will be playing with Brocas Helm in Belgium and UK) and Strikelight (sounds like nwobhm) and Airged L'ahm who just released a killer album 'The Silver Arm' (epic heavy metal).
Greeno said:
Hey, that's my title!!!! :lol:

Well then I'm the XO :p

@ Grif: For Italian bands in the classsic vein I recommend most definitively Mesmerize.
Speaking of Italian bands do you like Lacuna Coil or like a lot purists think thier too
Nu-metal. I saw them last year at ozzfest and thought they had a good euro-gothic
metal sound I see who evanescense ripped off.
KMADD said:
Speaking of Italian bands do you like Lacuna Coil or like a lot purists think thier too
Nu-metal. I saw them last year at ozzfest and thought they had a good euro-gothic
metal sound I see who evanescense ripped off.

Stop it! Lacuna Coil is not mallcore. Even if their last release was a hit for Century Media (and therefore the next will probably be poppier) the band is one of the few on the goth tendency that I like. As a matter of fact I feel Nightwish is trying to copy LC on their latest effort (which is sad because I like Nightwish and I don't need another LC, one is enough).

Christina Scabbia is a great singer (not to mention pretty) and Andrea Ferro has clean his vocals a lot since their debut. Their strongest release is still "Unleashed Memories" but the songs I like the most are in "In A Reverie". Also I have to point their great song 'Senzafine' which makes me wish for more songs in Italian.
Hey Hey Hey! Im not the one saying they are nu-metal other folks in the metal community are stating that. Yes them Judas Priest and Dimmu Borgir were the highlights of last years ozzfest. I see I got your opinion thats cool.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Hey, can I join that club? How much are membership dues? :)

Free if it comes from the heart :D

I have no problem actually with the music. Whoever likes it is more than wellcome. But:

a) it's not for me
b) I hate when the kulties throw shit at your face like if they own the truth. It's as bad as the mallcore morons denying metal

Metal is about a feeling, a right to hear whatever you want and about respect in the brotherhood. If you don't respect me you're not my brother and therefore you're not metal IMO.

TSO you don't like power but you respect me, and I respect you
I respect Trixxi but I don't like glam and I know he respect me
I respect Griffin but I don't like vinyls and she kinds of respect me :p
I respect Swine and Bryant even if we disagree most of the time :lol: and I know the guys respect me

UMOS work because of kind like the mob ;)
Believe me, Wyvern, it comes from the heart! Although there are a few exceptions to the rule. Orphaned Land is borderline death metal at times and they are one of my fav bands. Also enjoy Opeth alot, and some Children of Bodom songs (the more mid-tempo ones). But some of those bands that just thrash and scream (or growl) all the way through EVERY song on the album...boy howdy, that's just not for me.

And you're right, my friend, I do respect you. If you love yer power metal, by all means, have at it! Most of our tastes overlap elsewhere anyway. Diversity loves company!
Wyvern said:
I have no problem actually with the music.

Same here. I hate when I hear some killer music and then some guy vomiting the words out..... Oh well, to each his own. I guess it's no different than younger people not liking the old 80's "screamers". It's just a matter of what you grow up listening to I think.