record naked? really?

best threat ever haha...and for dudes lacking the proper sized equipment to get a good tone going on...layer the ball claps itll make the sack sound bigger
I bought an SSL 4000 just so I could get that sound on my ball clapz

If you're going to record the most important part of a performance, do it right. I'll never record ball claps through stock pres again.
Is it worth using a room mic with ball claps?

I can never get ball claps to sound right, so I have been considering sticking a trigger to my taint and just using sampled claps.
Wait, define "fling" - I thought you were talking about the move where you sort of squat with your legs apart and furiously pelvic thrust forward and back so your junk alternately"fwap fwaps" against your stomach and crack (which is a thoroughly hilarious looking thing to do in the mirror I would add :lol::lol::lol: )

I mean kick your leg out to the side decently hard/fast. The move you described I've always referred to as 'the flopper.' :lol: It's even funnier to just jump into a random room, flop for a bit, and dash out! :rock:
I always record Ball/cock slaps in binaural for the most realistic sound.

Do you find it better to set up the binaural mics from your perspective or the girls perspective? And where do you usually slap? I love the high-end smack you get from a cheek, but the thump of a forehead or thunk of a breast can really add some low end beef to the mix!
So you guys think editing the ball claps 100% sounds less natural?

I suppose it depends on the editing. I personally prefer to keep that "airyness" of the swinging sac in my mixes, but I know some guys only want the attack of the actual sactone.

I was reading in an old issue of Mix that Alan Parsons brought in noted Jazz Clarinetist Frankie "one-nut" Worthington so that he could layer his "chimey" claps over the regular claps on Pink Floyd's "Time".
When my FF800 arrives this week I am actually going to record ball claps and edit and post them. I'm dead serious, and I don't care how weird it is. I'm going to use them in songs, too, like for clapping or some kind of 'ear candy' bits. Maybe pitch shift one down?

"Dude how did you get that wicked sub drop?"
"I pitch shifted my nuts."