record naked? really?

When my FF800 arrives this week I am actually going to record ball claps and edit and post them. I'm dead serious, and I don't care how weird it is. I'm going to use them in songs, too, like for clapping or some kind of 'ear candy' bits. Maybe pitch shift one down?

"Dude how did you get that wicked sub drop?"
"I pitch shifted my nuts."

I'm stealing that idea for my new ClapCore band.
Wait, define "fling" - I thought you were talking about the move where you sort of squat with your legs apart and furiously pelvic thrust forward and back so your junk alternately"fwap fwaps" against your stomach and crack (which is a thoroughly hilarious looking thing to do in the mirror I would add :lol::lol::lol: )

Holy shit! You made my day with that, dude. Fuckin' hilarious.
I'm starting my studies in audio engineering in 2 weeks. I'll definetly put ball claps during the chorus of a song really loud so the teacher asks me what is this sound, to proudly tell him it's my balls clapping.
ohaiguise i can't use search funktion, can u tell me if free ball clap VST is there for MAC???

Can u send linkz and presets so I cam make teh ultra-pro br00tlz sounding ball clap like RAndy Sneep???!!???!!1111oneoneone
I'm starting my studies in audio engineering in 2 weeks. I'll definetly put ball claps during the chorus of a song really loud so the teacher asks me what is this sound, to proudly tell him it's my balls clapping.

pics or gtfo

No seriously you gotta film this (the reaction, not the balls clapping).
i woke up to find 3 pages about balls, anus and claps. Im going back to sleep.
:lol: WOW, I was seriously not prepared for this thread........

The moment Ball Claps came into the discussion I was laughing so hard people at work were looking at me wierd lol, then came people actually talking of seriously recording Ball Claps, followed by a new genre name CLAPCORE! HAHAHAHAHA! This thread is epic.