Record Sales

Sludgescan and the RIAA have the info: but as I remember

Fistful: not sure, but it has sold more than Vol. 8 or Killer A's, this has been stated numerous times.

Spreading is gold or close to it.

ATL is gold.

I'm the Man is listed as double platinum in places, but I find this hard to believe. It is gold for sure, platinum probably, but double??? I dunno

SOE is platinum. (best selling studio album of bands career to date)

POT is gold.

Killer B's gold.

SOWN gold. (charted top 10 also, # 9 I believe)

(end of salad days and arena shows)

Stomp: 100,000

Vol. 8: 80,000

Killer A's: 30,000

next album could realistically do 100,000 - 200,000 w/ proper label and constant touring. The touring may be a drag for some of us fans, because they need to open up for someone and get new fans. I don't care if it is f*cking Korn or manson or godsmack, but they need to open for some big band rather than play for the same 300 people who bought the record last time and will buy it next time.
Their next album could do better by word of mouth.

Here comes the Anthrax Street Team!!!!!!

Who want's to participate?
Ty, what's up??? I remember you as Ty Daddy or something like that. At any rate, I disagree with you on Anthrax opening for shit like Korn or Manson. That won't bring in any new fans in my opinion. It would be a bunch of freaks just coming to see Korn or Manson and then ignore Anthrax. Or even worse, booing. What would bring in new fans would be playing festivals. Warped prefferably, but I'd settle with Ozzfest. This way, they could do headline gigs at off-dates. Keep their energy levels up. Out of all of the headline gigs I've ever gone to see, I can't remember the last time when I was impressed with the supporting band and then running out and buying anything of theirs. They don't get to use all of the lighting. People arrive late. And this can bring the band down. At festivals, it's mostly like going to an All-Star game. Everyone is there to shine. Friendly competition. Everyone gets there early. Everyone listens with open ears to get their money's worth. And playing headlining gigs on off dates to their own fans would keep them pumped.
Originally posted by High Speed Kurt
An Anthrax Godsmack show would be cool, I think they are a decent new heavy band, most of the kids would probably love Anthrax.


Sort of on that topic when I saw Pantera Last March before the show started they were playing different songs over the PA like all venues do pre-show. Nobody was really paying attention until that Godsmack song came on. I don't remember the name. It's the first big song they had. Anyway, everyone in the damn place seemed to be singing along to that song. Let me say here that I FUCKING HATE GODSMACK!!!!!!!!! They are shit to me. To see all these people at a Pantera show singing that shitty song made my skin crawl.
Please tell me you had that written down somewhere and it's not all in your head...How do you remember this shit??? I thought I had a lot of info like that in my head, and I am nowhere NEAR any kind of numbers, mostly like quotes and shit.

As for who they tour with, I could give a shit AS LONG AS THEY COME TO ARIZONA!!!!!!!!!!!! (hint hint yet again)

I WILL SIT THROUGH THE FUCKING BACKSTREET BOYS IF I HAVE TO!!!!!!!! Now that is some serious dedication right there.
I don't care who they tour w/ as long as they get out there and promote themselves and the new disc. I know some hardcore MANSON fans who all agree that the oldschool opened the door for the '' antichrist superstar". As long as they tour w/ a well known band who can draw a crowd, we should all be happy.
next album could realistically do 100,000 - 200,000 w/ proper label and constant touring. The touring may be a drag for some of us fans, because they need to open up for someone and get new fans. I don't care if it is f*cking Korn or manson or godsmack, but they need to open for some big band rather than play for the same 300 people who bought the record last time and will buy it next time.

300? Thats BS I saw Anthrax on the Vol 8 tour and there was 250 there!
You two are the biggest pair of drama queens maybe ever.
Magic 8 ball says one of you asss hats will post a video of some dumb shit and say it's me doing some dumb shit. Then Ironamdiden boy will pull Joey's nut sack from his mouth for a second to tell me that this proves Joey is super awesome #1! Maybe he's tell me to listen to Safe house or some shit.

Back to the original topic, I can't believe I'm the man is their greatest success. That some grates my fucking nerves.
You two are the biggest pair of drama queens maybe ever.
Magic 8 ball says one of you asss hats will post a video of some dumb shit and say it's me doing some dumb shit. Then Ironamdiden boy will pull Joey's nut sack from his mouth for a second to tell me that this proves Joey is super awesome #1! Maybe he's tell me to listen to Safe house or some shit.

Back to the original topic, I can't believe I'm the man is their greatest success. That some grates my fucking nerves.

This is you sucking.

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