recording a live band with only 10 mic preamps.

^Yeah I know but from what I read in the posts above quality was not soooo much an issue, right? Just thought it was the easiest way plus we've had some good results with that way so maybe it depends a lot on the room wether it's gonna work or not.
Ok so here is an update:

The room is large enough to have 300 people inside no cramping, I don't know the max occupancy though. It's a good sized room so I think I do want to mic it with at least 1 if not 2 mics.

So here is what I now have available to me and the way I think I am going to do it.

6 chanell mixer
UX2 (going to be the 2 more chanells into the firepod)

I am going to submix the toms and vocals into the mixer then rout that to chanells 7 and 8 on the firepod so the vocal will get it's own track and so will all the toms, if there is more than one vocal then I am going to submix the other vocals with the main vocals (very tricky because the mix will have to be right, right away).

The remaining 8 chanells are going to be used this way:

ch 1: bass drum
ch 2: snare
ch 3: Oh L
ch 4: Oh R
ch 5: guitar 1
ch 6: guitar 2
ch 7: bass gtr
ch 8: I am thining of either having a another sub mix on the mixer (I can have up to 4) and having the 2 room mics OR just using 1.

I know I am going to have phase issues thats life but I will deal with that in post if I can.
Well here is the update.

So I got there 2 hours in advance thinking that this was plenty of time to setup. And it was, however I found out very quickly that I was going to be interfereing with the sound guy if I did it the way I wanted to. So I ended up with 2 LDC mics recording the FOH mix :(.

All well shit happenes, it still sounds good It just sucks I only have 2 mics :(. But then again anything is better than a consumer camcorder mic. So in the end I still met the goal I was going for.

I will post a coulple of track once I have fucked with them a little.
I found out very quickly that I was going to be interfereing with the sound guy if I did it the way I wanted to.

Damn, I wish I would have thought of this earlier. We use items such as these to split our signals before going to house (1 to our in-ear mix, 1 to house). Could have helped to have a few around.

Yeah those mic splitters would have been nice.

My problem was when I tried to buss the vocals prior to going to the house mixer (through another mixer) It introduced alot of noise for some reason so I ended up canning the whole idea.

Plus I found out early on that I was short on cables (I brought 16 it was not enough).
How's that ^^ going?

I'll be recording a few concerts on saturday. I'll be going straight from the Tape Sends of the board to my FirePod recording the FOH mix (It's more or less for "documentation purposes" than a live CD or something else.).

I've got a few questions and I don't feel like spamming in another thread about live recording as this one's still quite topical so it'd be cool if you could help me out a bit. :)

1) The manual of the board says the following about the Tape Sends: "These independent unbalanced outputs are post Mix Insert, pre-fader, and are ideal for recording concerts to -10dBV tape inputs."

That'll work with my FirePod, will it?

2) I think I'm going to record to my ext HDD as there's quite a lot of data from a whole afternoon/evening of concerts. So normally I connect my FirePod to the FireWire port on my computer and the HDD to the second FireWire port on the FirePod (wooo, so much Fire in here... ;) ). Now I'm wondering if that has any affect on the speed of my HDD. I could also connect it via USB 2.0 but for some reason I like FireWire more...
I don't know if thats a good idea or not mang. Most of the time the mix from the board isn't that great unless he is bussing you everything by itself (and it's rare for a sound company to have a board with more than a few exstra busses).

Like I said I just recorded the room. If I had done it the way I wanted to I would have close miced everything and recorded the room.

The micd room sounds good to me. I guess if you crank your stereo it gives you a real live feel!

As I said, I'm not really into some super quality recording - it's more for documentation purposes (so that the bands can check their live-playing). I'm more worried about the technical side of things:

1) The manual of the board says the following about the Tape Sends: "These independent unbalanced outputs are post Mix Insert, pre-fader, and are ideal for recording concerts to -10dBV tape inputs."

That'll work with my FirePod, will it?

2) I think I'm going to record to my ext HDD as there's quite a lot of data from a whole afternoon/evening of concerts. So normally I connect my FirePod to the FireWire port on my computer and the HDD to the second FireWire port on the FirePod (wooo, so much Fire in here... ;) ). Now I'm wondering if that has any affect on the speed of my HDD. I could also connect it via USB 2.0 but for some reason I like FireWire more...

Any hints?
1: I would still if I were you set up to room mics and record the FOH mix instead of the board mix because the board mic more than likely will sound like ass recorded driect. But try it if you will, it should work.

2: I record to exsternal HD as well. I use USB 2.0 and it has never been not enough (although fucking close a few times). If your just recording 2 tracks then USB 2.0 is more than fast enough.