recording ampeg b2r fx send

Sep 15, 2008
hi people!
yesterday, i had PRESONUS FIREBOX in my hands and i began to make bass recordings tests.

one problem, i want to record my ampeg b2r amp and then load impulses.
my presonus firebox have two mic/instr inputs (with a gain trim knob) and two line inputs (without gain trim knob).

if i connect my fx send ampeg to LINE INPUT, in ampeg volumen knob doesn´t affect to volumen, it only affects GAIN ampeg knob, and my signal is weak.
line input has 12 db boost, i must use it?

for this reason, i connected my fx send to mic/instr input and here, i could control volumen signal with gain knob trim (in mic/instr input).
here is my signal:

is this correct? or i must records with line inputs? (line inputs are weak signal).:(

Dont use the line input, send ampeg to the instrument channel with the mic pre (gain knob) on the firepod. Should be problem solved I would think...
Dont use the line input, send ampeg to the instrument channel with the mic pre (gain knob) on the firepod. Should be problem solved I would think...

but...ampeg amp is a pre-amp. and 1,2 firebox inputs are pre-amp inputs.
ampeg + mic/instr inputs = 2 pre-amps.
is that correct?

mp3 i showed in first post is recorded with 1,2 mic/instr.