Which Inputs when using FX Send --> Impulses?


Feb 6, 2008
Ok, this may explain why I haven't been entirely happy with my sound when using the FX Send on my Fireball. I've always taken the preamp signal from the FX Send using a guitar cable and plugged into the instrument 1/4'' input on my Inspire. I'm thinking that maybe I need to plug into a line level input? I have that on the Inspire but in the form of RCA inputs (obviously an adapter is needed). So which is the right way?
Line level definitely; not sure how much of a difference it'll make, but that's the proper one for an FX send signal
OK, if possible I'd still like some clarification on this. I tried sending the FX send to the RCA LIne Input but it clipped horribly (no gain control for this input). The audio itself sounded more like a guitar preamp though through this, discounting the clipping, whereas using the Instrument in makes the Fireball sound very digital (with impulses it sounds ok though...). I emailed Presonus but got this back, which has confused me even more:


I do recommend you input a line level signal, but a DI isn’t going to regulate the signal as it converts high impedance (line) to low impedance (mic) signal. The output on the FX loop is either line, or instrument level, both of which are available on your interface. This should be fine for your set-up needs.

Best of Luck!

Justin Spence

Technical Support''

So, can anyone shed any more light on the issue?

To summerise: I know I should use a Line Input but it clips, so I can't. I use the Instrument in which, by all accounts, is wrong. This sounds 'ok', but I'm sure it could sound better..... so? This is really bugging the f@#k out of me btw! haha.
If it clips and you can't set the input level, turn down the output (channel volume) on your Fireball! Unless it's already pretty far down, in which case...hmm...

I'm surprised the Inspire doesn't have a TRS line-in, and that it isn't controlled by the preamp gain pot for its channel; that's how it usually is on USB interfaces, two channels, each can be either XLR, line, or Inst. in, and regardless, each has its incoming volume controlled by that channel's gain pot.
maybe the powerball send is an instrument level signal...

No amplifier whatsoever sends instrument level signal from FX Send. It's always line level.

It sounds strange that there are no line* level inputs :hypno: Are you sure the interface doesn't have a selection between instrument and line level signal for the 1/4" TRS inputs in the control panel application?

* = Brainfart, meant to write line level :P
No amplifier whatsoever sends instrument level signal from FX Send. It's always line level.

It sounds strange that there are no instrument level inputs :hypno: Are you sure the interface doesn't have a selection between instrument and line level signal for the 1/4" TRS inputs in the control panel application?

There are Instrument level inputs, but there is no way to change them to line level.

Well, at least this maybe tells me that I'm not going mad and that the Presonus is at fault, in that it doesn't have the necessary connections for doing this correctly.

Oh and in response to Metaltastic, there is no channel volume control. Both Volume controls are Master Volume and thus only work when the Power section is engaged. So using the FX Send --> RCA line in method there is no gain/level control at any point in the chain. (Haha, you can see why this is annoying!)
Does the FX level control on the back of the Fireball change anything to the FX send output?

I was able to cleanly record my Fireball to my comp, but my Saffire has gain controls for the inputs, so that's not much of a help...
sorry but my english sux and i didnt understand very well how to use a head with the impluses.
can u tell me how to use a Engl Fireball (od bogner uberschall which im going to buy next week) do my interface - maudio profire 2626?
I need some equpiment or what ? Or just connect head to the interface - but what with the real cab? should be connected right?
sorry but my english sux and i didnt understand very well how to use a head with the impluses.
can u tell me how to use a Engl Fireball (od bogner uberschall which im going to buy next week) do my interface - maudio profire 2626?
I need some equpiment or what ? Or just connect head to the interface - but what with the real cab? should be connected right?

Not to be rude, but this has been covered countless times (I'm a special case :p). I'd rather this thread stayed exactly on topic for obvious reasons. Use the Search and ye shall find.
Does the FX level control on the back of the Fireball change anything to the FX send output?

I was able to cleanly record my Fireball to my comp, but my Saffire has gain controls for the inputs, so that's not much of a help...

Well, the knob controls the amount of wet and dry signal going to the power amp. Hmm... maybe if I turned that down it would reduce the level that the FX Send receives? I'll give it a go. I have a feeling it refers to the FX Loop Return wet/dry ratio being fed into the power section though.