Recording an HC band...need help with guitars


Mar 30, 2005
Next weekend I'll record guitars for an hardcore band and we have 2 amps (my 6505+ and his Rectifier) and 2 cabs (my Marshall 1960 and his Mesa OS).
I wanna use both amps (2 tracks of each) and I wanna get a Sick of it all/ earth crisis guitar sound (that's pretty much a Marshall cab sound).
Do you know if there is the best combinations with that gear? I'm thinking to use the 6505 with the Marshall and the Recto with the Mesa cab...or is better using the 6505 with the Mesa cab?
Unfortunately I've never used a Mesa cab so... :D I'm pretty worried about the many options I have. Of course I'll do my tests but if you know some tips it will be a good start.
I could also use 2 different head with the same cab...but maybe I'd get a much more different flavour using also different cabs...
Let me know :)
Sick of it all sound?? ooooh! EASY!

'Normal' metal tone ish.... but with WAY more mids, and less bass. possibly without the "mandatory" tube screamer.... give it a go.
think he used to use a metalzone into a Dual rec. (seriously)
You can have many possibility (from simple to more complicated way to do thing:lol:):

Simple: 6505+/recto to the mesa cab
Sound great and safe choice.

More complicated:
Depend of how many mics you have...etc. But personalty I would go for a modern tone with some old school flavour.

So you will have the recto through mesa cab and Marshall cab. Same for the 6505+.
For the mesa put 2 mics on it: 1 sm57 with a m201TG, or a md421. Fredman style or not. You could end up with a regular 2 sm57 Fredman style setup (what sound good for you).
For the 1960 put 1 sm57 on it.

Get the phase right between all the mics (1 sample difference max).

Now use same setup for the 6505+, but go for a crunchy sound. What you want is open up your guitar sound, add character and retain as much clarity you can.

Now you have a modern sound, with character and old school vibe. Band will love it (and trust me, European classic h&c band are all the same. If band like it, you will end up with more bands after that;)).

Hope that help.

If you have question about how manage something like that, simply ask Michele;)
Yes the mesa is a safe choice but I would like to add some sizzle/fizzyness tipical of the Marshall... (SOIA have lot of marshall vibe on the guitar fact they recorded with a marshall cab the last album).
My idea is:
Recto -> Mesa -> 57 + ADK
6505+ -> Marshall -> 57 + ADK

Maybe I could do also a 6505 + Mesa with the same mic configuration. I would do only 1 track per side because I like it and it's more raw sounding.
I will send you a quick reamp tomorrow with multi mic setup described on my previous post;)
With that config you get G12 and G12t75 blend.
Sound crazy explained like this but in reality everything is really simple.
You get 3 tracks per take and you can print them to 1 track (with the balance you like) while recording, or after.

And since you are a PT guy, why don't by amp?
Dual track guitar with 1 amp and by amp with the same setup (and different head) after;)
Yeah...I will track 2 takes (L and R) and reamp later with a different head and same mic setup..that's my idea :)
I would also reamp another time with another cab.
I'll wait your reamp ;) thanks

What's the correlation between being a PT guy and Bi-amping?
What's the correlation between being a PT guy and Bi-amping?

End result doesn't sound like phase city shit:D
Every other DAW user's say every daw are capable, but seriously when you hear result and hear how bi amping sound in reality you understand...
Yes I have already an HC preset I did for bass.....awesome sound in my opinion.
Anyway I have lot of options so I can track and change everything later when I reamp