Recording DAWS for Mac


May 26, 2009
What are some recording software that is decent for Macs? Similar to Cubase or whatever alot of you use on this website? Because I'm going to be investing in a program and want to make sure it's good. Or most common, I was thinking reaper, but not sure. Or should I just not use my mac to record and go PC
Cubase exists for Mac and PC and is great on both. Logic is also great. I recommend either one. If you like Cubase, continue with Cubase, although I will say there's not much advantage to running it on the Mac other than that Mac OS X is more stable than Windows and totally virus-free.
Maybe true, generally speaking. However, I have used it a bit (was sent a Reaper Project to collaborate on) and it was a dense project and I had no problems. No crashing, no bugs other than GUI's for certain plugs not working like Metal Amp Room and one other plug I use frequently. Other than that, it was fine, and I really played around with it. So, in summary, it may have some "bugs" but it ran fine for me on both my G5 with 10.4.11 and 10.5.x, as well as my PowerBook G4 running 10.5.x.
Maybe true, generally speaking. However, I have used it a bit (was sent a Reaper Project to collaborate on) and it was a dense project and I had no problems. No crashing, no bugs other than GUI's for certain plugs not working like Metal Amp Room and one other plug I use frequently. Other than that, it was fine, and I really played around with it. So, in summary, it may have some "bugs" but it ran fine for me on both my G5 with 10.4.11 and 10.5.x, as well as my PowerBook G4 running 10.5.x.

I've been running the OS X betas for quite a while now and have had serious issues which I spoke to the developers about. The latest release does seem much more stable for me, but I recently tried Reaper on Windows and found it a much more enjoyable experience.
I have had absolutely no experience with a Mac whatsoever, but I know that logic is spoken highly of and I'm sure if you went with it, you wouldn't be disappointed.
I have had absolutely no experience with a Mac whatsoever, but I know that logic is spoken highly of and I'm sure if you went with it, you wouldn't be disappointed.

Logic is good and the included plugins are quite nice, however I did constantly wrestle with its audio editing tools. They didn't seem quite as intuitive as for example Pro-Tools. MIDI is a breeze to work with though and I found the overall interface comfortable to use.
The biggest reason why I'm put off by continuing to do my music on a Mac is due to the number of great free VSTs available for Windows.
I would totally go for Logic 8 if I were on a Mac, apparently they've vastly improved it in terms of reducing the learning curve and confusing bits of it, and the included plugins are supposedly badass!
i think they all have fantastic plugins. when not, go and buy some. there are good ones outthere.

the question about these daws is how stabble do they run?
i think logic wins because apple is able to write this program while they write their operating system. they know how to build the structur of each program so they work together and don't come up with bucks.

steinberg doesn't have an opportunity to work on cubase or whatever, while the new windows is made. so the result are some bucks with new operating systems...
Man, this forum is so bizarrely anti-Pro Tools, I don't get it. I absolutely do not want to rehash the entire issue in this thread all over again or anything, but I just had to make a remark.

iambrando, my input would be Pro Tools LE on a Mac. I don't know what your budget is, but you can get yourself a used Digi002 rack for under $500, and have plenty of inputs available to you while also using the best recording software there is.
I would totally go for Logic 8 if I were on a Mac, apparently they've vastly improved it in terms of reducing the learning curve and confusing bits of it, and the included plugins are supposedly badass!

I really like the EQ, and all the midi stuff. I loaded up a piano preset one day and I swear it sounded just... real.. Utterly incredible, but I feel the exact opposite about most of Logic's stock plugins.
It's compressors and limiters... EW.
Logic 8 on a Mac for sure! The plugs/features it comes with are second to none in DAW-land (with Reaper being a close second) in my experience. Haven't had time yet to regret the move from PT:HD...

But it's Cubase and Reaper on PC for me...
Man, this forum is so bizarrely anti-Pro Tools, I don't get it. I absolutely do not want to rehash the entire issue in this thread all over again or anything, but I just had to make a remark.

iambrando, my input would be Pro Tools LE on a Mac. I don't know what your budget is, but you can get yourself a used Digi002 rack for under $500, and have plenty of inputs available to you while also using the best recording software there is.

i agree totally with you Aaron;
thinks its probably because there's a lot of people in this forum who.... no offence are have a go heros with a cracked version of cubase/reaper and a waves bundle who aren't making a living doing this and thus see no point in investing money in the best damn DAW there is.
there are of course exceptions; joey for instance, but he too is considering the switch formally lasse; who made the switch... you noticeing a trend..... i sure am:err:

yet again. dont take offence cubendos, ilogicals and reapers i love you all
I use logic pro 7.2.3 and will NOT be upgrading to Logic 8 aka studio, Cubase 5 looks far more impressive.I have used Pro Tools since its inception and tht "LE' versions have too many limitations for me.