Recording Delay on Guitar


Oct 26, 2009
I don't have a ton of experience with this yet.

I have a band coming in who's sound HEAVILY relies on delay.. Sorta like As Cities Burn.. That sort of genre.

When you guys record this kind of stuff do you typically record the DI still, and just use a digital delay pedal in your DAW, or do you do it during re-amping or do you do it when the guitarist is actually attach a pedal when the guitarist is recording?
When recording my own band we just used the pedal delay as we hadn't practiced to a click and wanted to keep it as close to the live performance feel as possible.

In retrospect, we should have gone with the click and done the delays in post-processing.
I've tracked with it and taken a clean DI of the take. Recorded a band where he was heavily relying on effects. We tracked with amps sims so I basically had a DI before and a DI after effects, but still got to work on the tone itself afterwards separate to the effects.
I'd recommend trying to get the tone as close as possible while tracking as it can be a nightmare to try and duplicate certain effects afterwards with software. It's not always possible for them to leave their pedals with you either for when you re-amp.
I track TONS of delay - usually I'll use a real-time delay plug (sync'd to the click) in Pro Tools and leave the actual track and DI dry.

If we specifically want the sound of a particular delay pedal, or the coloration you get from running a delay into the input of the amp, I'll record the actual delay'd amp but leave the DI dry (just in case).
I track TONS of delay - usually I'll use a real-time delay plug (sync'd to the click) in Pro Tools and leave the actual track and DI dry.

If we specifically want the sound of a particular delay pedal, or the coloration you get from running a delay into the input of the amp, I'll record the actual delay'd amp but leave the DI dry (just in case).


also if the riff is really relies on the delay to make the riff(echo effect, or tapping or anything that would sound completely different with out the effect) ill use the plugin but tweak it a lot till its perfect. sometimes synced with the click sometimes its cool when its not :P whatever sounds best to your ears