Recording Guitar - Mics/EQ/Effects


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Well Hello everybody..I'v done a search on here but haven't found any clear answer or guidance to it yet.
I've been playing around with recording for a year now...till now I've actually only focused on drums.
Offcourse I tried some guitar and vocals..but never actually have reached what I am looking for.

What I've got to in reach:
Shure SM57
Sennheiser MD421

I've got an 8 track firewire going into Cubase.
The worst thing I'm using of al is the SM PRO AUDIO mic works good so I will not complain anymore about that...

Guitar rig:
ENGL Ritchie Blackmore
ENGL Standard Cab 4x12
MXR M-108 ( 10 bend eq)
BOSS Delay

If someone could just help me giving me some pointers or something toward a good direction...techniques/eq's..etc.etc...

I've been addicted to the Arch Enemy guitar sound on all their last 3 albums...just so you know what direction I'm looking for..

Thank you.
seriously use the search function, that stuff is all this forum talks about practically, you can find something. And besides there are no set in stone ways to do anything so you really wont find any clear answer or guidance until you try for yourself.
Well i'm sure andy said that 2 tracks of the 4 on wages of sin were engl and as far as i remember they were the savage (but may have been the ritchie, someone correct me on this) maybe try andy's settings for the 5150, and see how you get on, then tweak this to taste with the eq? As far as recording sling the sm57 in front of the cab, an inch away from the cab, with the mic moved an inch off axis from the center cap of the speaker, and see how it goes, maybe you could use the Senn mic further away for some ambience, not had any experience with these mics, maybe you could mic another speaker up with the Senn as well, and see how that sounds and maybe use a mixture of the two? Ie do two tracks with the shure, and two with the Senn to give you different tones. Also as far as i remember the last 3 AE albums were all 4 tracks of rhythm, so you need to multitrack to get near that tone. Most of all just trial and error, you have a good amp there, so i'm sure something near the tone you seek is in that amp somewhere, just play with it till it sounds good to your ears.
cobhc said:
Well i'm sure andy said that 2 tracks of the 4 on wages of sin were engl and as far as i remember they were the savage (but may have been the ritchie, someone correct me on this) maybe try andy's settings for the 5150, and see how you get on, then tweak this to taste with the eq? As far as recording sling the sm57 in front of the cab, an inch away from the cab, with the mic moved an inch off axis from the center cap of the speaker, and see how it goes, maybe you could use the Senn mic further away for some ambience, not had any experience with these mics, maybe you could mic another speaker up with the Senn as well, and see how that sounds and maybe use a mixture of the two? Ie do two tracks with the shure, and two with the Senn to give you different tones. Also as far as i remember the last 3 AE albums were all 4 tracks of rhythm, so you need to multitrack to get near that tone. Most of all just trial and error, you have a good amp there, so i'm sure something near the tone you seek is in that amp somewhere, just play with it till it sounds good to your ears.

Thanks for your help!
I've been browsing and searching through this forum like hell last couple of hours..
And have not bumped into and 5150 settings you maybe have any direct link to it or reference in what thread it was posted?
Would help a lot...but still thanks for the help.
Tomorrow I'll be trying sticking the 57 like you said and inch off centered, and I'll play with the 2 MD421's on placement to see what sounds good.