Recording Guitars, settings for live vs studio?


Dec 19, 2003
I'm fairly new to the 'art' of recording and have a home pc based setup (digi002, focusrite preamps). I'm having trouble getting a good (rhythm) guitar sound, i'm currently using a couple of SM57s closed mic'd positioned centre of cones on-axis. The amp is a 5150. I'm also doubling guitars, one take panned hard left, the other hard right.

My questions are really about eq, i'm happy with the 5150 'live' sound, should I change this before recording to give a more 'neutral' sound and then eq post recording? The 5150 sound is somewhere between 'scoopy' and 'crunchy', do i need more mids / less bass & treble to record? Also should I back off the gain a little? What about ideal volume?

Any tips for recording 5150's would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry about all the questions!

Oh yeah, nice to see Mr Briody here, i'm a big Jag Panzer fan, am looking to get sounds along the lines of those on Age / Thane / Mechanized...


I have to agree with FrostGiant on this one. Almost every metal recording that I do has the 5150 on it, and the best advice on recording them is to get the best tone live, then mic it real close.