Recording in January?

I enjoyed TFM as well, although it's certainly weaker than NMF and RTC it has plenty of awesome metal to offer. NMF>UTP>RTC>TFM>BD. That's right Breeding death is last, I have always thought it was boring as fakk even if it did spawn the great Bloodbath. Aside from Breeding Death the rest are all awesome and even when ranking them it's not like being second from last makes it a bad album at all.

Mikael's vocals were still awesome too, I don't know why there are people saying he was awesome on UTP and not TFM. He sounds almost the same, maybe not quite as dark and "evil" but still great. UTP was a pretty dark sounding album in general.
i think mikael's vocals are undeniably worse on TFM... like, they're not bad compared to other vocalists, or even bad at all even. but compared to mikael åkerfeldt, they are :p compare the growls on TFM with the growls on say... deliverance or ghost reveries and you know what i mean. they're miles better than what his live vocals were after the release of that album though.
Yeah he fucked his voice up good somewhere along the line there, but from what I can tell he got his voice back later. He delivers his growls differently on TFM than Opeth albums and it must have put more strain on his voice than he expected.
You obviously misunderstood me, I didn't say anything about the originality of the name.
I understood you perfectly well, it was just a general statement, not just a direct response to your comment.
What I ment was that if a band that wasn't really famous released UTP it would today be largely forgotten and no one would care that much about it.
I guess we will never know!
And like I said to Qth it doesn't matter how much time you put into a song or how much money you spend on production. If it is a good song then none of that matter and the same goes for the oppostie, if it is a weak song that isn't very good then no matter how good the production is it cannot change the fact that the song in itself isn't all that great.
Of course, there's an appropriate saying for that: "you can't polish a turd!" :cool:
I still stand by my opinion that if Bloodbath did not include a single song from UTP in their live setlist then no one would really be disappointed but if they didn't include any songs from RTC or NMF then people would be and you know that is true.
That's more of a statistic than an opinion and you're most likely right, TFM is generally their least popular album among the fans (just look at scrobbles on, usually a good indicator), much to my surprise and disapproval though!
i think mikael's vocals are undeniably worse on TFM... like, they're not bad compared to other vocalists, or even bad at all even. but compared to mikael åkerfeldt, they are :p compare the growls on TFM with the growls on say... deliverance or ghost reveries and you know what i mean. they're miles better than what his live vocals were after the release of that album though.

Yeah he fucked his voice up good somewhere along the line there, but from what I can tell he got his voice back later. He delivers his growls differently on TFM than Opeth albums and it must have put more strain on his voice than he expected.

I read an interview somewhere where Åkerfeldt claimed his bad live growl was the result of him trying out in-ear monitors during that period and he heard his voice in a different way on stage an thus it sounded good to him in the in-ear monitors when growling like that. It seems like a good explanation to me at least...
He does have a pretty amazing growl. My growl doesn't sound like his (unless I'm imitating him) but I borrowed a little bit of his technique and combined it with more force to get my own sound. Anyway I don't think he did any permanent damage, I've seen a couple instances of him just growling without the mix (in studio diaries) and his technique doesn't seem like it would be particularly straining, it's not like he is blowing out his vocal chords. Sounds a bit quiet actually. Although a camera doesn't capture everything so I could be wrong.

With Opeth going proggy I'm hoping he will still do the occasional guest appearance covering growls at least.
His growling 5-10 years ago was amazing, definitely. He can still growl but what a drop in quality :(

I think if I were to rate their releases I'd say RTC-UTP-BD-NMF-TFM. Tägtgren <3
Tagtgren elevates NMF quality more than most vocalists could ever hope to. Still one of the best death metal performances ever, I really cannot understand why he would part ways with them when it is a side-project that would not require much of his time. Maybe he just isn't into the style...

I mean everyone has their favourite BB vocalist but I don't think anyone would complain about Peter continuing with them.

If only I knew who the new vocalist is.... They presented him with such skepticism saying they wouldn't release a name until they had something to show. Maybe it's LL Cool J
NMF is an amazing album, but RTC is just the best. Showcases the guitar tone better. Rawer. I agree that Peter's vocals were great, but they were great in more of a bigger, more well-produced sense. It's a very different feel from Mike's vocals on RTC. Honestly, the two albums are just fundamentally very different.