Recording/mixing a two piece rock band?


That Darn Kid
Jul 21, 2011
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Me and a friend have a two piece rock band (think Black Keys, White Stripes, etc.), and we're planning on recording an EP pretty soon. So (and yes, this is a definite blanket question), how would I go about recording and mixing this?

I was thinking that maybe I'd rely mostly on OH and room mics for the drum sound, with just the snare and kick being close miced. But how would I treat these different mics?

But my most pressing question is: How do I compensate for the lack of a bass guitar, and not make the recording sound empty?
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs don't and they have a pretty cool production on "Fever To Tell". I think the guitar player is using a baritone though and has a healthy amount of lows in his tone.
thick guitar tone & a huge kick. depending on the style of music you may want to consider using an octaver on the guitar, im pretty sure Jack White does that a ot to compensate for lack of bass when they play live