Recording Progpower Bands???


I know on the page that it says it's forbidden, but what if you have consent from the band to record their set and their set only???

The Savatage & Tage Mahal guys dont seem to mind bootlegs as long as they are not sold.
In fact Jon and Caffery have some of our work....LOL

Just curious...

I definately dont want to sneak anything in and get ejected...
The bands and the bands ONLY have the option to record the show. However, they get a copy of my dvd/sound board so there is really no point in booting their own show. What they do with that is up to them.

There will be no recording from anyone else regardless of what the band says.

Glenn H.
I have DVDs of every single band that has performed at every festival completely edited except for Symphony X at PP I (was not allowed). The videos on the website come from my dvds. Only myself and my video guy own the complete set.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
I have DVDs of every single band that has performed at every festival completely edited except for Symphony X at PP I (was not allowed). The videos on the website come from my dvds. Only myself and my video guy own the complete set.

Glenn H.

So when does the DVD box set go on sale? ...heh heh :D
OK I was waiting for a reply like this so here it goes. Glenn I will give my first born for your collection of DVD's! You should sell those at the shows, the only thing I can think of is the legality required by the respective bands record labels. All told you would probably end of making like $.25 net on each DVD which would suck royally. A good idea I guess but not too practical once you really start thinking about it. What a souvenir though.
that and the fact it would probably ruin Glenn's immense credibility with those bands and leave him booking Winger & Nelson as headliners at PP6.

But there's always a possibility to get 'limited edition' supported releases by the bands/labels that wouldn't be 'too costly'. Example, copies numbering no more than 500, the royalties are very very low. And as we all know, 500 would cover all us Gold Badge holders :) as well as those elite lucky few that could snag a copy. Also 500 is a number easily produced at a decent discount at production places. I'm also pretty sure 500 of us would gladly "pre-pay" to special order these things. Hell, they don't even have to be pretty-packaged to keep costs down.

If it were a possibillity, I wouldn't see why every band's show at every ProgPower wouldn't sell out in it's entirety, even "less popular" ie; Mercenary, Silent Force, REdemption, etc.. although a more modest # of 250 to see how they would go would be a route I would go.

All that said, it would be a nightmare to get a "compilation" dvd made because of all the different labels, that just won't happen. You'd have to go after each band and most likely those individual performances.