Recording Screaming

Good point from Darthjuju about the room having a big impact for loud screamers. Surround the vocalist with blankets/sleeping bags/mattresses. Will help alot. Also in bad rooms a dynamic will probably work out better than a condenser as it's not as sensitive so will pick up less reflections.
Honestly I've never had a single problem with recording vocals, Just set the gain nice and medium-like and throw some compression/verb on it and let them go at it. If they're worth a damn then you are good to go.

EDIT: Pop filters are essential.
Honestly I've never had a single problem with recording vocals, Just set the gain nice and medium-like and throw some compression/verb on it and let them go at it. If they're worth a damn then you are good to go.

This is pretty much my attitude.
I crank my monitors and put the singer in front of them holding an SM7. If they can't get into it like that, you'll never get a good performance. I manually cut all the bleed that comes from the monitors then go from there - tune, compress, filtering, further EQ if needed then delays into reverbs. I got the idea from Andy. Also saw Hetfield giving it some in the same style on Some Kind of Monster or some other St. Anger studio blog.

If you get the vibe right, you'll get the killer take. I've stood in an isolated vocal booth and it can be intimidating. You see a 2 grand+ mic in front of you and you think 'fuck'. Put a 58 in the singers hand with their music cranked to fuck and the hairs on their neck will stand up and they'll get goosebumps. That will beat the epic LDC hands down in my opinion. My opinion...
I crank my monitors and put the singer in front of them holding an SM7. If they can't get into it like that, you'll never get a good performance. I manually cut all the bleed that comes from the monitors then go from there - tune, compress, filtering, further EQ if needed then delays into reverbs. I got the idea from Andy. Also saw Hetfield giving it some in the same style on Some Kind of Monster or some other St. Anger studio blog.

If you get the vibe right, you'll get the killer take. I've stood in an isolated vocal booth and it can be intimidating. You see a 2 grand+ mic in front of you and you think 'fuck'. Put a 58 in the singers hand with their music cranked to fuck and the hairs on their neck will stand up and they'll get goosebumps. That will beat the epic LDC hands down in my opinion. My opinion...

I can understand this. I scream in my own band....And....I dunno. I can't get into the feel of it. What I did in the past was hold some completely generic dynamic mic and scream into an LDC. Of coarse....back then my recordings where being recorded too hot. Which I now know. But yeah....I know what you mean.
ok so im new to the whole recording vocals shit got myself a behringer mic2200 preamp how would i go about recording some decent vocals onto the computer with audacity haha normal vocals sound okay but the screams sound like im just weezing :( doesn't seem to be pickin up f. a. and as i said im new to this also ive got a cheap ass mic dynamic or some such but that wouldn't be the problem would it??
Okay, so sorry to derail the thread, but I need some thoughts on this.
I'm recording a band currently and the screamer is loud as FUCK.
(side note, he's a blast to work with because he's incredibly consistent)
However, I don't know whether I want to record him with my SDC because, well, he has no dynamics.
Would a SM57 be a good choice, Sneapers?