Recording solid state amps line out into impulses.


Nov 13, 2006
Chile - La Serena
I have a few questions that i hope you guys can clarify.

1) Do i need a dummy load? My first guess is no, but a dude told me to better have one.

2) line out or fx send ? What is the best option? If im not mistaken , both are pre power amp stage. Im missing something by not having the power amp signal in there before the impulse?

3) What if i use the speaker output + D.I Box before going into the line input of the interface? Is that a better way to do it than using the line out for example?.

The amp is one of those new solid state Randall's. The other amp is the old Valvestate Marshall ( 8100 ), that happens to have one tube in the circuit but i don't know if the tube works in the preamp or power amp stage ( i think that for this amp a dummy load would be requiered?
I'd just take the preamp out. Wouldn't dare take the speaker out!

I'd also use a dummy load or connect a speaker at all times, but not totally sure if that's necessary.
Solid state amps don't need to have a cab hooked up or a dummy load. I'd use the line out. Also the Valvestate's tube is just a preamp tube, most likely a 12ax7...which means again, no dummy load needed.
Randalls have master volume, set it to zero and you will hear no sound even with cab, it works even without load, but it`s safer.
Line out can be better than send because it have higher level and some coloration from PA input stage.
I have an Ampeg svt 4 pro and can run it without a cab. As long as the power amp is solid state (it has tube preamp) you should be fine.
SS PA can also have negative feedback and act like tube amp, so it depends on particular amp design. Randalls can run without cab, Valvestates also.
But SS PA can be designed like tube amp with negative feedback and output transformer, so in such case better to have load attached.