recording through online collaboration - some results!


Nov 28, 2008
Leeds, UK

Firstly hope I'm not offending anyone by posting this in this section instead of rate my mix....

A while ago I started a project looking at recording through online collaboration - essentially making an album with musicians around the world just over the internet. I'd already written all the musical parts but advertised on here to get musicians to record the parts from wherever they may be based. Luckily I was able to find a variety of people from the Sneap forum interested in the project, with Zack Uidl, Jeff Dunne and Mike Garrison all getting heavily involved.

I posted up a couple of really rough pre-production tracks up at - Please note theres no guitar edits/reamping, just a simple midi bass, the drums are programmed (I have recorded them myself -just editing at the mo) and none of its mixed, but it would be interesting to get your thoughts on here - both positive and negative.

Finally - I aim to have all the recordings for the project (10 songs) completed by Mid/End of February. To expand on the online collaboration theme I will be making the files available on a server for other people to try and mix and master in order to make comparisons (the project is for my university dissertation and I will also be mixing it myself also).

The files will be both clean DI, and reamped for guitar bass, acoustic and programmed drums, clean/processed vocals, and just a simple MIDI line for synth so technically the mixer has full control to mix and match parts as they wish.

Just wondered if anyone on here might be interested in getting involved on that side of things? If so, let me know on here or if you want to contact me directly then the email is

Thanks for your time,
David: I should have a couple more of the bass tracks done this week for ya ;)

digital: I think David is giving the collaborators the files to play with (I'm anxious to mix it too to ad to my portfolio as I haven't had a band like this come in yet) but I don't know if he's going to throw it out to the forum too.

yeah - im gonna upload the finished files on a server then get whoever is interested on this forum to give a shot at mixing/mastering etc.

To have some form of protection over the files they'll be password protected - I'll probably send over the password to those interested in private messages!
yeah - im gonna upload the finished files on a server then get whoever is interested on this forum to give a shot at mixing/mastering etc.

To have some form of protection over the files they'll be password protected - I'll probably send over the password to those interested in private messages!

That could be a pain for people...