Recording two amps at once


Apr 11, 2006
I'm recording guitars for a band that wants to track guitars through two heads - but they haven't done this in the past and dont have anything by way of line splitters or anything..

I unfortunately do not yet have a reamp box so sadly that is out of the question. Any ideas??
I'm recording guitars for a band that wants to track guitars through two heads - but they haven't done this in the past and dont have anything by way of line splitters or anything..

I unfortunately do not yet have a reamp box so sadly that is out of the question. Any ideas??

bad idea unless you've got two separate rooms to track in. Phase issues I would think
i tried it several times and it always turned out bad.
i wouldn´t do it. if you want two different sounds let the guitarists play two tracks with the two amps.
Ive always used a Boss tuner for splitting the signal and it's worked out just fine!
What amps are you going to record? On the old four input marshalls for instance you can use one of the extra inputs as a link to the next amp.
The Boss TU2 has 2 outputs. One is muted when tuning and the other is always on. Use both and you can feed both amps.

Right... so basically turn the tuner OFF, and just use the two outputs. Coz yeah, when it's on... one of them gets muted. Which is why I was like... huuuhhhh???

But yeah, makes sense now.
do you use the same cab for both amps?


I have two 1960 BX cabs so I run one head per cab and set the cabs up side by side with a couple of damperscreens between them.

I usually have one distorted "heavy" sound along a "rocknroll crunch" sound and then I blend them; the defenition of the cruncy amp with the roar of the heavy amp.

Works okey for me :)

Check out for clips where I've done this, although its more a hard rock/stoner sound.
sounds nice on my pc speakers but i wonder if somebody got great results with 2 high gain settings on a dual recto and 5150 for example.
You are all wrong guys :) haha.. I do this all the time, learned it from my time in Studio Fredman. You slave one amp after the other. Effect send to return. That way you'll send the master signal through the slave preamp on theamp and you got 2 different flavours of the same take, its awesome
yeah, i know this technique although i never tried it.
does it work with a dual recto? the fx way sounds really crappy (at least on the "old" versions).

in addition you have to put a load on both amps...
yeah, i know this technique although i never tried it.
does it work with a dual recto? the fx way sounds really crappy (at least on the "old" versions).

in addition you have to put a load on both amps...

Ok well never took the time to dive into the technical aspects of this technique but i dont hear any lost of quality to the signal using my 6505 and Triple X that way. Just a great way to get the "quad sound" without the hazzle of recording x4.

But you need to use 2 cabs as you said
You are all wrong guys :) haha.. I do this all the time, learned it from my time in Studio Fredman. You slave one amp after the other. Effect send to return. That way you'll send the master signal through the slave preamp on theamp and you got 2 different flavours of the same take, its awesome

In fact, all are wrong; you too:lol:
I wrote about this since a couple of time but nobody care about:lol:
Bi amping work great if your DAW don't fuck with ADC (so phase acuracy). So work great with PT and shity with cubendo:puke:
and i guess you are doubling the gain stages?
so you have to turn down the gain on one amp or am i wrong?
Bi amping work great if your DAW don't fuck with ADC (so phase acuracy). So work great with PT and shity with cubendo

it didn´t even sound great when just played live through it. i´ve also messed a lot with phasing. also tried out little labs ibp or what it is called but all results sucked.
You are all wrong guys :) haha.. I do this all the time, learned it from my time in Studio Fredman. You slave one amp after the other. Effect send to return. That way you'll send the master signal through the slave preamp on theamp and you got 2 different flavours of the same take, its awesome

Ok, so what you're talking about is having Amp 1 effects loop send going into Amp 2 effects loop return. And amp 2 has a wet/dry knob for the effects loop so that you can blend the preamps? So you've got a blend of Amp 1 and Amp 2 preamps playing through Amp 2s power amp and cab? This is the only way I can interpret your post to make sense