Recording two amps at once

You are all wrong guys :) haha.. I do this all the time, learned it from my time in Studio Fredman. You slave one amp after the other. Effect send to return. That way you'll send the master signal through the slave preamp on theamp and you got 2 different flavours of the same take, its awesome

I need to look at this again in a few hours once the coffee has kicked in and I can grasp what you mean... :erk:

But I like the fact this is a tried and tested option
No, atleast not over here. The only thing you can change is the master volume of the slave amp. or if you slave a 6505 which have specific controls over the power amp section

So what do you achieve then? What's the desired outcome? I've always seen this setup but I have no idea what the end result is compared to just using one amp.
No, atleast not over here. The only thing you can change is the master volume of the slave amp. or if you slave a 6505 which have specific controls over the power amp section

I don't get it man.. How do you get the preamp stages of each amp? Or are you saying you use the preamp stage of one amp and the poweramp stage of the other??
Not sure this method will work.

Anyway, had the band in the studio today and used the TU2 method - worked a charm. Had a Mesa Roadstar with 2 x 57 and 1 x 509 running at the same time as a 6505+ with 2 x 57 and 1 x 421. Didn't end up running the whole thing like this though, ended up just using the Roadstar. In comparison the 6505 sounded like shit, Roadstars fucking rule!
Just try it and you'll see it is an awesome method.

I have, but I really dont gain anything from using the same preamp into two poweramps; Iäve also tried slaving send to the input and that didnt do much for me either.

As I wrote I want one crunchy sound and one distorted; crunch for clarity and distorsion for roar; don't get that using those methods described above.
Radial JD7. Problem solved. Or if you want to get cheaper option, get Radial JDV.


I got a jd7 and I do multiple amps (up to 6!) all the time. The key to tracking multiple amps is having all the cabinets in a row and just go through and flip the phase (you can do this right on the JD7) of each amp and make sure you're totally phase aligned.

Pretty much every session I've ever worked on has involved recording multiple amps at once. That's how guys like Gggarth/Bendeth/Howes/every other modern rock producer gets there killer sounds.
Radial also makes a small version the JX2 i think. and it does 2 amps at once. the phase and ground lifts are crucial for getting phase right and less noise.......I can never reamp two times with different amps with the same DI it always sounds really weird.
One of my mates said he recorded all of his leads with two 6505s at the same time. One with an od in front and one without. I think he said one was on the red channel and one on the green. Can check it here
I think it sounds great. Lots of definition and yet fluidity from the mix of a hi gain tone and something with more clarity.
Just try it and you'll see it is an awesome method.

Still doesn't make sense man. In the OP I was wanting to get a blend of two amps, ie two complete setups. Not much use having one preamp stage going into two different poweramps as per your send/return setup.
Unless I'm getting the wrong idea, in which case, feel free to correct me. Just not sure I understand what you do with this.