Recording update 22/6

here's an update from the Borkendale camp...

I've recorded all the acoustic drums. I still have to do some V-drums stuff on one of the two Lars-instrumentals (don't know what to do yet...), and I'll spend a couple of hours going through all the drum tracks fixing small errors (like when I hit the snare or a tom a little bit wrong I can replace it with a better take, or move the bassdrums if they're not dead on the snare). Lars has recorded all keyboards (very happy with the sounds!) and Hammond (different one than last time - even more organic sound), but still have to record the grand piano in Fagerborg studio. Andreas is doing all his vocals next week (starting tomorrow). Øystein recorded most of the rhythm tracks in April and will continue recording his endless amounts of guitars the same week as Andreas is doing the vocals. Tyr was supposed to record bass this week but had to postpone it to the second week in July due to not getting his new fretless bass in time.

Other news is that we've chosen to release the album early next year. We have way too much material so we'll probably save some songs for a Japanese release or something else. We still haven't found a title for it, but it's decided that I will - as usual - do the cover design + this time shoot the band pictures (the problem with being in front and behind the camera at the same time is solved with a remote control and then some hours with Photoshop...). Other reasons for releasing the album next year is that we need more time to find and record "the snacks". We want it to be better produced - more sound effects, more intros/outros, whatever... We have found a possible session guitarist to replace Jens, but still need to learn him the songs before playing live. Looks like we will have to cancel the (only) two scheduled shows and come back stronger next year. Who knows, maybe it's worth the wait...

- Asgeir
asgeir said:
We have found a possible session guitarist to replace Jens, but still need to learn him the songs before playing live. Looks like we will have to cancel the (only) two scheduled shows and come back stronger next year. Who knows, maybe it's worth the wait...
I've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. However, I'm going to be really disappointed if you don't make it to the UK next summer, after the potential gigs this year didn't pan out. Time to start a major campaign to get you to Bloodstock '04....
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asgeir said:
Tyr was supposed to record bass this week but had to postpone it to the second week in July due to not getting his new fretless bass in time.
:hotjump: fretless fretless fretless!! :hotjump:
There are still over 50 days left to teach him the few songs you're playing at the live gigs... beside that, while you are busy recording, can't the guitarist learn the songs by himself????? Don't get me wrong, but reading all the posts I could get the feeling you having a total beginner on guitar...

Morg *plays guitar herself...*
An official statement will be made concerning the August-festivals, keep in mind: nothing has been completely decided about the gigs, but our stance will be given in that statement.
So stay tuned!
Hey Tyr, I just saw Emperial Live Ceremony.
All I can say is "Whoa!"
Great work...can't wait to catch Borknagar live! Hopefully supporting the new album! :hotjump:
Yeah man, if you guys come to the states ill be real happy, hey there is a metal fest in new jersey on november 14th and 15th (hint hint), hahahaha. Out of everything ive seen on that fest though the only confirmed band so far is Nile, the website says list coming soon, and i cant find any other bands that mention it on their shows list. Oh well, ill go see Nile again.
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FailingAcension said:
Hey Tyr, I just saw Emperial Live Ceremony.
All I can say is "Whoa!"
Great work...can't wait to catch Borknagar live! Hopefully supporting the new album! :hotjump:

Yes, Emperial Live Ceremony is so awesome. FailingAcension and I just finished watching it and I must say, you're backing vocals were a great addition. I too cannot wait to see Borknagar live in the States soon...very soon I hope :Spin:
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